
A data scientist's toolbox for Google Suite Apps

pip install pysuite==0.2.0


pysuite: A data scientist's toolbox for Google Suite App

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A python wrapper for google suite API. This provides a few classes with user friendly apis to operate with Google Suite applications such as Google Drive and Google Spreadsheet. For details, please view the documentation page

Get credentials

You need to get a credential from Google API Console. The credential looks like:

  "installed": {
    "client_id": "",
    "project_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "redirect_uris": [

You can also provide a token json file if possible, the token file looks like:

     "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
     "refresh_token": "xxxxxxxxx"

If token file doesn't exist, a confirmation is needed from browser prompt. Then the token file will be created.

from pysuite import Authentication

credential_json_file = "/tmp/credential.json"
token_path_file = "/tmp/token.json"
client = Authentication(credential=credential_json_file, token=token_path_file, services="sheets")


Authentication blass can help authenticate your credential and provide service client for API. Such as "drive" and "sheets".

from pysuite import Authentication

credential_file = "./credentials/credentials.json"
token_file = "./credentials/token.json"

drive_auth = Authentication(credential=credential_file, token=token_file, services="drive")
sheets_auth = Authentication(credential=credential_file, token=token_file, services="sheets")

You can generate a gdrive client now from authentication object.

service = drive_auth.get_service_client()  # 'service' needed if not provided when initiating Authenciation object 


API classes aim to provide quick and simple access to Google Suite App such as Google Drive and Google Spreadsheet.


from pysuite import Drive

drive = Drive(service=drive_auth.get_service_client())  # drive_auth is an Authenticaion class with `service='drive'`

If you prefer different method to create gdrive client, you may switch drive_auth.get_service() with a gdrive service (See Google Drive API V3 for detail):

service = build('drive', 'v3', credentials=creds)

Some example apis are shown as follows:

Download file"google drive object id", to_file="/tmp/test_file")

Upload file

drive.upload(from_file="path/to/your/file/to/be/uploaded", name="google_drive_file_name", 
             parent_ids=["google drive folder id 1", "google drive folder id 2"])

List file in folder

list_of_objects = drive.list(id="google drive folder id")


from pysuite import Sheets

sheets = Sheets(service=sheets_auth.get_service_client())  # sheets_auth is an Authenticaion class with `service='sheets'`

If you prefer different method to create gdrive client, you may switch sheets_auth.get_service() with a gsheet service (See Google Sheet API V4 for detail):

service = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=creds, cache_discovery=True)

Some examples can be found below:

upload pandas dataframe

import pandas as pd 
df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2], "col2": ['a', 'b']})
sheets.to_sheet(df, id="your_sheet_id", sheet_range="yourtab!A1:B")

download sheet to dataframe

This api requires pandas.

df = sheets.read_sheet(id="your_sheet_id", sheet_range="yourtab!A1:D")