
Minimal terminal canvas

python, python-3, python-library, python3, terminal
pip install pytermcanvas==0.0.1





pip install pytermcanvas


class TerminalCanvas(x_size, y_size, auto_render, empty_char)

  • x_size (Int) - number of columns to use, stored in self.cols
  • y_size (Int) - number of rows to use, stored in self.rows
  • auto_render (Bool) [default: True]
    • True - enable automatic canvas rendering
    • False - disable automatic canvas rendering
  • empty_char (Char) [default: SPACE] - character used to fill the canvas on creation


Renders canvas


Clears canvas

resize(x_size, y_size)

  • x_size (Int) - number of columns to use, stored in self.cols
  • y_size (Int) - number of rows to use, stored in self.rows

drawImage(*path, ***kwargs)

Draws image on canvas

  • path (Str) - path to image

  • mode (Str) [default: bg] - mode to use for rendering
    • bg - change color behind character
    • fg - change color of specified character
  • size (List or Tuple) [default: canvas size] - desired size of image
    • size[0] (Int) - number of columns to use
    • size[1] (Int) - number of rows to use
  • char (Char) [defualt: SPACE] - character to print, mainly used for fg rendering

drawRect(*col, row, width, height, ***kwargs)

Draws rectangle on canvas

  • col (Int) - position of top left corner in column
  • row (Int) - position of top left corner in row
  • width (Int) - width of rectangle
  • height (Int) - height of rectangle

  • mode (Str) [default: bg] - mode to use for rendering
    • bg - change color behind character
    • fg - change color of specified character
  • color (List or Tuple) [default: (255, 255, 255)] - RGB color of rectangle
    • color[0] (Int) - Red, 0 - 255
    • color[1] (Int) - Green, 0 - 255
    • color[2] (Int) - Blue, 0 - 255
  • char (Char) [defualt: SPACE] - character to print, mainly used for fg rendering

insertRow(row, data, offset)

Inserts set of characters to specified row

  • row (Int) - row to insert data to
  • data (Str, List or Tuple) - data inserted into desired row
    • (Str) - standard string
    • (List or Tuple) - sequence of characters
  • offset (Int) [default: 0] - defines the starting column

insertCol(col, data, offset)

Inserts set of characters to specified column

  • col (Int) - column to insert data to
  • data (Str, List or Tuple) - data inserted into desired column
    • (Str) - standard string
    • (List or Tuple) - sequence of characters
  • offset (Int) [default: 0] - defines the starting row


Returns list of characters from specified row

  • row (Int) - row to fetch data from


Returns list of characters from specified column

  • col (Int) - column to fetch data from

setChar(col, row, char)

Changes character on specified location

  • col (Int) - column of character
  • row (Int) - row of character
  • char (Char) - replacement character

getChar(col, row)

Returns character from specified location

  • col (Int) - column of character
  • row (Int) - row of character