
Common fixtures for pytest in DHOS services and libraries

Pytest, Fixtures
pip install pytest-dhos==1.0.3



A pytest plugin library containing common pytest fixtures for Polaris projects.

  • Initial setup for test environments
  • Fixtures that may be reused in multiple DHOS projects


The Polaris platform was created by Sensyne Health Ltd., and has now been made open-source. As a result, some of the instructions, setup and configuration will no longer be relevant to third party contributors. For example, some of the libraries used may not be publicly available, or docker images may not be accessible externally. In addition, CICD pipelines may no longer function.

For now, Sensyne Health Ltd. and its employees are the maintainers of this repository.


Include pytest-dhos as a dependency in test-requirements.txt or pyproject.toml

To develop new tests:

make dev-install

Running the Tests

make test

Running Coverage

Coverage should be 100%, but unfortunately when using pytest to test a pytest plugin it doesn't record its own coverage correctly. (This may be fixable but for now the required coverage has been deliberately set low.)

make test-coverage


  • bump the semvar VERSION in
  • update the RELEASE notes
  • ensure these are both committed to master
  • create a GitHub release
make deploy

Available fixtures

When installed in a project, this plugin reads tox.ini in the project folder and any environment variables specified by tox.ini are set in the environment even if pytest is run outside of tox. Also, if flask-batteries-included is available the environment variables are set in the flask configuration before tests are loaded.

If the project includes flask-batteries, the following fixtures are made available:

  • jwt_scopes parametrize to scopes required by a test

  • jwt_system Use this fixture to make requests as a system

  • jwt_send_admin_uuid Use this fixture to make requests as a SEND administrator

  • jwt_gdm_admin_uuid Use this fixture to make requests as a GDM administrator

  • jwt_send_clinician_uuid Use this fixture to make requests as a SEND clinician

  • jwt_gdm_clinician_uuid Use this fixture to make requests as a GDM clinician

  • jwt_send_superclinician_uuid Use this fixture to make requests as a SEND superclinician

  • node_factory Fixture provding a factory to create an arbitrary neo4j node. The node will be automatically deleted at the end of the test. Usage: node_factory(node_name, **fields) -> uuid

  • location_uuid Default location for SEND tests 'Tester Hospital'

  • gdm_location_uuid Default location for GDM tests 'GdmTest Hospital'

  • clinician_factory Fixture providing a factory to create clinicians. Usage: clinician_factory(first_name, last_name, nhs_smartcard, product_name='SEND', expiry=None, login_active=None, **fields) -> uuid All fields may be overridden with additional keyword parameters.

  • clinician SEND clinician fixture: Jane Deer

  • gdm_clinician GDM clinician fixture: Lou Rabbit

  • clinician2_uuid SEND clinician fixture: Kate Wildcat

  • clinician_temp_uuid SEND temporary clinician fixture: Lou Armadillo

  • relation_factory Fixture providing a factory to create an arbitrary neo4j relation. Usage: relation_factory(relation_name, from_uuid, to_uuid)

  • neo4j_teardown_node Fixture providing a function that marks neo4j nodes to be cleaned up at the end of the test neo4j_teardown_node(uuid1, [uuid2, ...])

  • location_factory Fixture providing a factory to create locations. Usage: location_factory(name, parent=None, product_name='SEND', **fields) -> uuid If parent is None the display name is "{name} Hospital", otherwise it is "{name} Ward" and the ods_code is set to a ward. All fields may be overridden with additional keyword parameters.