Auto generate logs for functions

pip install python-autologs==0.0.4



Auto generate logs for functions based on function docstring

Decorator to generate log info and log error for function. The log contain the first line from the function docstring and resolve names from function docstring by function args, any args that not resolved from the docstring will be printed after. In some cases only info or error log is needed, the decorator can be called with @generate_logs(error=False) to get only log INFO and vice versa

Example: @generate_logs() def my_test(test, cases): ''' Run test with cases ''' return

my_test(test='my-test-name', cases=['case01', 'case02'] Will generate: INFO Run test my-test-name with cases case01, case02 ERROR Failed to Run test my-test-name with cases case01, case02 if step is True: Test Step 1: Run test my-test-name with cases case01, case02