python_bladerf is a cython wrapper for bladerf ( It also contains some additional tools.
You can install this library using
pip install python_bladerf
Or assemble it manually using the following steps:
In order to build the library you need to go to the python_bladerf directory
cd python_bladerf
python build_ext --inplace.
If the build fails, you will need to specify the paths for the libusb library.
CFLAGS="-I/path to libusb.h -I/path to libbladeRF.h" \
LDFLAGS="-L/path to -L/path to" \
python build_ext --inplace
- libusb-1.0 (
- libBladeRF (
- Cython==0.29.36
- Numpy>=1.26
- Scipy (optional, for faster work)
- pyFFTW (optional, for faster work)
Almost all the functionality of the standard library is implemented. Some features will be added later. (async recieve and transmit).
- - Reading information about found devices.
- - Possibility to get extended range fft ( same as hackrf_sweep)
usage: python_bladerf [-h] {info, sweep} ...
python_bladerf is a Python wrapper for libbladerf. It also contains some additional tools.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Available commands:
info Read device information from Bladerf such as serial number and FPGA version.
sweep a command-line spectrum analyzer.
usage: python_bladerf info [-h] [-f] [-s]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --full show full info
-i, --device_identifiers
show only founded device_identifiers
usage: python_bladerf sweep [-h] [-d] [-f] [-g] [-w] [-ch] [-1] [-N] [-o] [-B] [-s] [-SR] [-BW] -[FIR] [-r]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d device_identifier. device identifier of desired BladeRF
-f freq_min:freq_max. minimum and maximum frequencies in MHz start:stop. Default is 71:5999
-g gain_db. RX gain, -15 - 60dB, 1dB steps
-w bin_width. FFT bin width (frequency resolution) in Hz, 245-30000000
-ch RX channel. which channel to use (0, 1). Default is 0
-1 one shot mode. If specified = Enable
-N num_sweeps. Number of sweeps to perform
-o oversample. If specified = Enable
-B binary output. If specified = Enable
-s sweep style ("L" - LINEAR, "I" - INTERLEAVED). Default is INTERLEAVED
-SR sample rate in Hz (0.5 MHz - 122 MHz). Default is 57. To use a sample rate higher than 61, specify oversample
-BW bandwidth in Hz (0.2 MHz - 56 MHz). Default is 56000000
-FIR RFIC RX FIR filter ("1" - Enable, "0" - Disable). Default is Disable
-r filename. output file
This library probably can work on android. To do this, go to the android directory and download two recipes for p4a.
Examples will be added later.