
Easy python integrations for the Copaco Customer Connections

copaco, api, customer, connections
pip install python-copaco-connections==1.0.0



Easy python integrations for the Copaco Customer Connections

Package use

This package has three main functions:

  • Retrieve the pricelist of Copaco
  • Send orders to Copaco
  • Retrieve order responses

These three functions will be explained seperately below.

You need to requests a connection with Copaco first before you can use this package. More info here:

Getting started


Install with pip.

pip install python-copaco-connections



The pricelist is limited to the Copaco BE - Dutch Productlist in CSV format via FTP. Might be extended in the future.


Import the package and the CopacoConnectionBE object.

from copaco.connection import CopacoConnectionBE

Setup connection

Make the connection with your provided FTP credentials.

conn = CopacoConnectionBE(FTP_HOST, FTP_LOGIN, FTP_PASSWD)

Retrieve the pricelist

You can retrieve the pricelist as follows:

priceList = conn.priceList.get()

This will return an ordinary list which contains PriceListItem objects.

You can find the attributes of this object and their use below:

PriceListItem object

Attribute Contains Type
article Article number string
vendorCode Unique vendor code string
description Short description string
price Price, excluding levies float
priceWithLevies Price, including levies float
stock Amount of stock available integer
hierarchy Product hierarchy string
unspscCode UNSPSC code string
EAN EAN code string
statusCode Status code (0 - 12). Refer to docs. integer
status Human-readable status string
auvibel Price of Auvibel float
reprobel Price of Reprobel float
recupel Price of Recupel float
bebat Price of Bebat float
nextDelivery Next delivery date of this product date
nextDeliveryAmount Amount that will be delivered on next delivery integer
inventoryStatusCode ATP code string
inventoryStatus Human-readable ATP code string

Sample script

You can find a sample script at examples/



Fields that are not supported at this moment:

  • end-user_information
  • orderline_info
  • registration_info
  • notification


Import the package and the CopacoOrders object.

from copaco.orders import CopacoOrders

Setup connection

Make the connection with your Customer ID and provided Sender ID for orders.

orders = CopacoOrders(CUSTOMER_ID, SENDER_ID)

Create a new order

Before creating an order you have to understand that creating an order does not equal sending the order to Copaco for processing. You need to create the order internally first, and then send the order over to Copaco.

orders = CopacoOrders(CUSTOMER_ID, SENDER_ID)
order = orders.create(external_document_id, supplier, customer_ordernumber, completedelivery, requested_deliverydate=None, recipientsreference=None)

The above function is a simplified function that allows you to create a basic Order object, with no lines attached to it.

Param Required? Type Format Remarks
external_document_id X string Free text field Contains an unique number or token from your system
supplier X string 'COPACO'/'6010' 'COPACO' = Copaco NL, '6010' = Copaco BE
customer_ordernumber X string Free text field Contains an unique purchase order number from your system
completedelivery X string 'Y'/'N' 'Y' = Complete delivery, 'N' = Partial delivery allowed
requested_deliverydate string 'DD-MM-YYYY' Date you would like the order to be delivered
recipientsreference string Free text field Reference for the goods receiver

Attach lines to an existing order

You can attach lines to an existing order.

order.addOrderLine(item_id, tag, quantity, price=None, currency=None, deliverydate=None, textqualifier=None, text=None)
Param Required? Type Format Remarks
item_id X string Free text field Contains the part number
tag X string 'PN'/'MF'/'CU' 'PN' = Supplier part number, 'MF' = Manufacturer part number, 'CU' = Customer part number
quantity X integer integer Only full numbers allowed
price float float Must match with the price in ERP system or within agreed margins
currency string 'EUR' At this moment only 'EUR' is allowed, might be extended later
deliverydate string 'DD-MM-YYYY' Date you would like the line to be delivered. Overrules delivery date on the order.
textqualifier string '0001'/'BID' '0001' = Instruction line, 'BID' = Line contains special BID
text string Free text field If qualifier '0001' = Free text field, If qualifier 'BID' = Special BID number

Set shipping address

You can set the shipping address of an order if you would like to ship to another address that is not your default. If no shipping address is supplied, your default address will be used.

order.setShippingAdress(firstname, lastname, street, postalcode, city, country)

Country has to be the country code.

Send order to Copaco

Once the full order has been created, you can send the order to Copaco for processing.

orders = CopacoOrders(CUSTOMER_ID, SENDER_ID)
order = orders.create(external_document_id, supplier, customer_ordernumber, completedelivery)

Sample script

You can find a sample script at examples/

Order responses


Not all fields are supported at this moment. List of unsupported fields is not available at this moment.


Import the package and the CopacoOrders object.

from copaco.orders import CopacoOrders

Setup connection

Make the connection with your Customer ID and provided Sender ID for orders.

orders = CopacoOrders(CUSTOMER_ID, SENDER_ID)

Retrieve responses

Copaco has four different responses.

Response type Contains
INT Initial response. Indicates that the order is received.
OBV Order confirmation. Contains information on how the order is processed.
FAC Invoice in XML format.
PAK Dispatch advice response. Generated after the goods are picked and ready for shipment.

You can retrieve these responses seperately or all at once.

orders = CopacoOrders(CUSTOMER_ID, SENDER_ID)
intResponses = orders.getResponses(type='INT')
obvResponses = orders.getResponses(type='OBV')
pakResponses = orders.getResponses(type='PAK')
facResponses = orders.getResponses(type='FAC')
allResponses = orders.getResponses(type='ALL')

Requesting a specific type will return an array that contains objects of the XML returned. Requesting all types will return a dictionary with the following format:

  'INT' : [intResponses], 
  'OBV' : [obvResponses],
  'FAC' : [facResponses],
  'PAK' : [pakResponses]


The structure of these responses are the same as the XML that is returned, and thus is defined by Copaco. Be aware that there are a lot of inconsistencies in the XML format: camelCase, snake_case, PascalCase are all used.

Refer to the XML documentation to know the structure.

Sample script

You can find example responses for each type at examples/xml-responses

You can find a sample script for each response at examples/ where XXX is the type.