
Fully automatic dependency injection for python

di, dependency-injection, type-hints, annotations, ddd, domain-driven-design, enterprise, enterprise-architecture, python-di, python3
pip install python-di==0.1.1



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Fully automatic dependency injection for python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, pypy3 using (not only) argument annotations / type hints.

Corresponds to clean architecture patterns and ideal for business applications created in DDD / Hexagonal architecture flavour. No external dependencies - uses only standard libraries.

Key features:

  • automatic type matching based on type hints / type annotations - no manual configuration is needed, it just works out of the box
  • configurable object aggregation injection - DI can join SomeClass objects and inject into argument annotated as Collection[SomeClass]
  • not harm existing codebase - no decorators, no extra metadata are needed in existing codebase to make app construction possible
  • no singletons or global DI process state - app or any app components can be instantiated independently as many times as needed
  • transparency of DI process - static dependency graph and injection plan is built, informative exceptions on error cases (like cyclic dependency or missing elements)


Coming soon...

An Example

Application domain located in

from typing import List

class Repo:
    def read(self) -> List[str]:
        raise NotImplementedError

class DomainAction:
    def __init__(self, repo: Repo):
        self.repo = repo

    def present(self) -> str:
        joined = ", ".join(
        return f"Data found: {joined}"

Application concretes located in

from typing import List

from mod_simple import Repo

class MockupRepo(Repo):
    def read(self) -> List[str]:
        return ["di", "test"]

Automatic application construction:

from di.declarative import DeclarativeApp, DeclarativeModule, scan_factories
import mod_simple, mod_simple_impl

def main():
    # create app definition
    app_def = DeclarativeApp(
            # automatically add factories from `mod_simple` and `mod_simple_impl`
            scan_factories(mod_simple, mod_simple_impl),

    # build app
    instance = app_def.build_instance()

    # get initialized `DomainAction` object
    action, = instance.values_by_type(mod_simple.DomainAction)

    # check app works
    assert action.present() == "Data found: di, test"

More examples

More working examples are available in tests/di/declarative/. Please see tests/di/declarative/ for reference.