
python-gitlab-submodule : List project submodules and get the commits they point to with python-gitlab.

git, gitlab, python, python-gitlab, submodule
pip install python-gitlab-submodule==0.2.1


python-gitlab-submodule v0.2.5

List project submodules and get the commits they point to with python-gitlab.

The Gitlab REST API V4 doesn't implement anything for submodule inspection yet. The only thing we can currently do is updating a submodule to a new commit id, but how can we trigger such an update if we don't know the current commit id of our submodule?

If you're using python-gitlab and you're distributing shared code among your projects with submodules, you've probably run into this issue already.

This package provides minimal utils to list the submodules present in a Gitlab project, and more importantly to get the commits they're pointing to.

Internally, it reads and parses the .gitmodules file at the root of the Project. To get the commit id of a submodule, it finds the last commit that updated the submodule and parses its diff (this can sometimes fail due to a limit of the GitLab API itself - see Limitations).

About the future of this package

I don't plan to make PRs to python-gitlab for now.

In my opinion this problem should ideally be fixed in the Gitlab REST API, and then python-gitlab could wrap around the new endpoints.

So I see this package as a temporary solution until the API gets extended with more submodule functionalities.

@darkdragon-001 created an issue on GitLab about the lack of support for submodules, feel free to support it with a thumb up:


  • Python >= 3.7 (required by python-gitlab since version 3.0.0)



pip install python-gitlab-submodule

or directly from Github:

pip install git+git://

Usage example


  • Iterate over the submodules of the Gitlab Inkscape project
  • For each submodule, print:
    • its path in the project
    • its own Gitlab project SSH URL
    • the current commit sha that the Inkscape project is pointing to
from gitlab import Gitlab
from gitlab_submodule import iterate_subprojects

gl = Gitlab()
inkscape = gl.projects.get('inkscape/inkscape')
subprojects = iterate_subprojects(
    # current HEAD of master as I'm writing this
for subproject in subprojects:
    print('- {} ({}) -> {}'.format(
        subproject.project.web_url, if subproject.commit else '?'))


- share/extensions ( -> 6c9b68507be427bffba23507bbaacf3f8a0f3752
- src/3rdparty/2geom ( -> 9d38946b7d7a0486a4a75669008112d306309d9e
- share/themes ( -> 2fc6ece138323f905c9b475c3bcdef0d007eb233


  • Iterate over the submodules of the Gitlab Inkscape project
  • For each submodule, print:
    • its path in the project
    • if its commit is up-to-date with the HEAD of the main branch of the subproject
for subproject in subprojects:
-    print('- {} ({}) -> {}'.format(
-        subproject.submodule.path, 
-        subproject.project.web_url, 
- if subproject.commit else '?'))
+    head_subproject_commit = subproject.project.commits.list(
+        ref=subproject.project.default_branch)[0]
+    if subproject.commit is None:  # can happen with very large commit diffs
+        status = 'cannot check'
+    elif ==
+        status = 'ok'
+    else:
+        status = '/!\\ must update'
+    print('- {}: {}'.format(subproject.submodule.path, status))


- share/extensions: /!\ must update
- src/3rdparty/2geom: ok
- share/themes: ok

Available functions and objects


What you'll probably use most of the time.

  • Yields Subproject objects that describe the submodules.
    project: Project,
    gl: Union[Gitlab, ProjectManager],
    ref: Optional[str] = None,
    only_gitlab_subprojects: bool = False,
    self_managed_gitlab_host: Optional[str] = None
) -> Generator[Subproject, None, None]


  • project: a gitlab.v4.objects.Project object
  • gitlab: the gitlab.Gitlab instance that you used to authenticate, or its projects: gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectManager attribute
  • ref: (optional) a ref to a branch, commit, tag etc. Defaults to the HEAD of the project default branch.
  • only_gitlab_subprojects: (optional) if set to True, will ignore the submodules not hosted on GitLab. If set to False (default), it will yield Subproject objects with self.project = None for submodules not hosted on GitLab.
  • self_managed_gitlab_host: (optional) if some submodules are hosted on a self-managed GitLab instance, you should pass its url here otherwise it may be impossible to know from the URL that it's a GitLab project.


Generator of Subproject objects


  • due to, some very large commit diffs won't be parsed entirely. This means that when inspecting the diff of the latest commit that updated ./<submodule_dir>, in some rare cases ./<submodule_dir> might not be part of the diff object returned by the GitLab API. In that case we have no other choice than set Subproject.commit to None, that's why the two examples above check if subproject.commit is not None before using the value


Same parameters as iterate_subprojects(...) but returns a list of Subproject objects.

class Subproject

Basic objects that contain the info about a Gitlab subproject.


  • project: Optional[gitlab.v4.objects.Project]: the Gitlab project that the submodule links to (can be None if the submodule is not hosted on GitLab)
  • submodule: Submodule: a basic object that contains the info found in the .gitmodules file (name, path, url).
  • commit: Union[gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectCommit, Commit]: the commit that the submodule points to (if the submodule is not hosted on GitLab, it will be a dummy Commit object with a single attribute id)

Example str() output:

<class 'Subproject'> => {
    'submodule': <class 'Submodule'> => {'name': 'share/extensions', 'parent_project': <class 'gitlab.v4.objects.projects.Project'> => {'id': 3472737, 'description': 'Inkscape vector image editor', 'name': 'inkscape', 'name_with_namespace': 'Inkscape / inkscape', 'path': 'inkscape', 'path_with_namespace': 'inkscape/inkscape', 'created_at': '2017-06-09T14:16:35.615Z', 'default_branch': 'master', 'tag_list': [], 'topics': [], 'ssh_url_to_repo': '', 'http_url_to_repo': '', 'web_url': '', 'readme_url': '', 'avatar_url': '', 'forks_count': 900, 'star_count': 2512, 'last_activity_at': '2022-01-29T23:45:49.894Z', 'namespace': {'id': 470642, 'name': 'Inkscape', 'path': 'inkscape', 'kind': 'group', 'full_path': 'inkscape', 'parent_id': None, 'avatar_url': '/uploads/-/system/group/avatar/470642/inkscape.png', 'web_url': ''}}, 'parent_ref': 'e371b2f826adcba316f2e64bbf2f697043373d0b', 'path': 'share/extensions', 'url': ''},
    'project': <class 'gitlab.v4.objects.projects.Project'> => {'id': 5833962, 'description': 'Python extensions for Inkscape core, separated out from main repository.', 'name': 'extensions', 'name_with_namespace': 'Inkscape / extensions', 'path': 'extensions', 'path_with_namespace': 'inkscape/extensions', 'created_at': '2018-03-22T00:29:09.053Z', 'default_branch': 'master', 'tag_list': ['addin', 'additional', 'addon', 'core', 'extension', 'inkscape', 'python'], 'topics': ['addin', 'additional', 'addon', 'core', 'extension', 'inkscape', 'python'], 'ssh_url_to_repo': '', 'http_url_to_repo': '', 'web_url': '', 'readme_url': '', 'avatar_url': '', 'forks_count': 89, 'star_count': 41, 'last_activity_at': '2022-01-29T19:10:13.502Z', 'namespace': {'id': 470642, 'name': 'Inkscape', 'path': 'inkscape', 'kind': 'group', 'full_path': 'inkscape', 'parent_id': None, 'avatar_url': '/uploads/-/system/group/avatar/470642/inkscape.png', 'web_url': ''}},
    'commit': <class 'gitlab.v4.objects.commits.ProjectCommit'> => {'id': '6c9b68507be427bffba23507bbaacf3f8a0f3752', 'short_id': '6c9b6850', 'created_at': '2021-11-28T22:23:47.000+00:00', 'parent_ids': ['fdda3f18b3ddda61a19f5046ce21a6e2147791f5', '8769b39a55f94d42ac0d9b24757540a88f2865cc'], 'title': "Merge branch 'add-issue-template-bug-report' into 'master'", 'message': "Merge branch 'add-issue-template-bug-report' into 'master'\n\nadd issue template for GitLab for bug reports\n\nSee merge request inkscape/extensions!377", 'author_name': 'Martin Owens', 'author_email': '', 'authored_date': '2021-11-28T22:23:47.000+00:00', 'committer_name': 'Martin Owens', 'committer_email': '', 'committed_date': '2021-11-28T22:23:47.000+00:00', 'trailers': {}, 'web_url': '', 'stats': {'additions': 25, 'deletions': 0, 'total': 25}, 'status': 'success', 'project_id': 5833962, 'last_pipeline': {'id': 417958828, 'iid': 924, 'project_id': 5833962, 'sha': '6c9b68507be427bffba23507bbaacf3f8a0f3752', 'ref': 'master', 'status': 'success', 'source': 'push', 'created_at': '2021-11-28T22:23:48.313Z', 'updated_at': '2021-11-28T22:31:49.083Z', 'web_url': ''}, 'is_exact': True}


Lists the info about the project submodules found in the .gitmodules file.

    project: Project,
    ref: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Submodule]


  • project: a gitlab.v4.objects.Project object
  • ref: (optional) a ref to a branch, commit, tag etc. Defaults to the HEAD of the project default branch.


list of Submodule objects

class Submodule

Represents the .gitmodules config of a submodule + adds info about the parent project


  • parent_project: gitlab.v4.objects.Project: project that uses the submodule
  • parent_ref: str: ref where the .gitmodules file was read
  • name: str: local name used by git for the submodule
  • path: str: local path pointing to the submodule directory in the project
  • url: str: URL linking to the location of the repo of the submodule (not necessarily Gitlab)

Example str() output:

<class 'Submodule'> => {'name': 'share/extensions', 'parent_project': <class 'gitlab.v4.objects.projects.Project'> => {'id': 3472737, 'description': 'Inkscape vector image editor', 'name': 'inkscape', 'name_with_namespace': 'Inkscape / inkscape', 'path': 'inkscape', 'path_with_namespace': 'inkscape/inkscape', 'created_at': '2017-06-09T14:16:35.615Z', 'default_branch': 'master', 'tag_list': [], 'topics': [], 'ssh_url_to_repo': '', 'http_url_to_repo': '', 'web_url': '', 'readme_url': '', 'avatar_url': '', 'forks_count': 900, 'star_count': 2512, 'last_activity_at': '2022-01-29T23:45:49.894Z', 'namespace': {'id': 470642, 'name': 'Inkscape', 'path': 'inkscape', 'kind': 'group', 'full_path': 'inkscape', 'parent_id': None, 'avatar_url': '/uploads/-/system/group/avatar/470642/inkscape.png', 'web_url': ''}}, 'parent_ref': 'e371b2f826adcba316f2e64bbf2f697043373d0b', 'path': 'share/extensions', 'url': ''}


Converts a Submodule object to a Subproject object, assuming it's hosted on Gitlab.

Raises a FileNotFoundError if the path of the submodule actually doesn't exist in the host repo or if the url of the submodule doesn't link to an existing repo (both can happen if you modify the .gitmodules file without using one of the git submodule commands).

    gitmodules_submodule: Submodule,
    gl: Union[Gitlab, ProjectManager],
    self_managed_gitlab_host: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Subproject

Parameter details: See iterate_subprojects(...)


PRs are appreciated, just make sure your PR title starts with one of the following keywords so that the CI works:

  • [MAJOR]: breaking changes
  • [MINOR]: feature changes
  • [PATCH]: fixes
  • [CONFIG]: changes only related to GitHub (CI, .gitignore, etc.) -> won't trigger a package release