
A module for interacting with TaskPaper formatted documents

pip install python-taskpaper==0.2



python-taskpaper is a Python module for interacting with Taskpaper-formatted documents.

What does it do?

So far? Not much. You can open, read and write TaskPaper documents, and add or remove tags on items within that document, but that's about it. I'd like to expand it to be much more powerful, but it depends on when I have free time.

I will probably change the API in a non-backwards compatible way before 1.0. User beware.

Look in the docs directory for some examples of how I'm using it. I'll write proper documentation soon.

What does it require?

To use this module, you need Python 2.7 or 3.3+. Those are the only versions of Python that I'm interested in testing or writing for. Standard library only (for now).

How do I install it?

You can install it from PyPI:

pip install python-taskpaper

Why write this? Why not use the built-in scripting?

Two reasons:

  1. I work with TaskPaper-formatted documents on Windows and Linux (for my day job), and the best AppleScript support in the world is utterly useless there. :-(
  2. I prefer Python to AppleScript and JavaScript.

I hate Python.

Good for you.

There's built-in support for scripting the TaskPaper app with JavaScript or AppleScript, or Matt Gemmell has written a Ruby library that you could use. (I'd use Matt's library if I actually knew any Ruby.)

How do I run the tests?

Install tox, ideally in a virtualenv:

pip install tox

then run the tests like so:

make test

This will run the tests, and show which lines aren't covered by existing tests. I'm trying to get better at writing tests with good coverage.


The project is licensed under the MIT license.