
Python client for Unisenza Plus

home-automation, hvac, hvac-control, purmo, smart-home, unisenza-plus
pip install pyupgw==0.11.1


Python client for Unisenza Plus

Unisenza Plus is an IoT family that connects smart thermostats and other devices manufactured by Purmo to a cloud service via the Unisenza Plus Gateway. pyupgw is a python client for that cloud service.

Currently, only the smart thermostats are supported.


The author of this library is not affiliated with Purmo, the vendor of Unisenza Plus, in any way. The library and its conformance to the Unisenza Plus API is implemented on a best-effort basis. No warranty of any kind is provided.


Install the library using pip or your favorite package management tool:

$ pip install pyupgw


The following sample program illustrates how to use the client

import asyncio
from pyupgw import create_client, Client, Device, DeviceType

def report_changes(device: Device, changes: dict):
    print(f"{device.get_name()} has new changes:")
    for key, value in changes.items():
        print(f"- {key}: {value}")

 async def main():
     async with create_client("username", "password") as client:

         # Refresh the device state from the server.
         # The coroutine completes when the new state is available.
         await client.refresh_all_devices()

         for gateway in client.get_gateways():
             print(f"- {gateway.get_name()}")

         for gateway, device in client.get_devices():
             if device.get_type() == DeviceType.HVAC:
                     f"- {device.get_name()},",
                     f"target temperature: {device.get_target_temperature()},",
                     f"current temperature: {device.get_current_temperature()}",

         device = client.get_gateways()[0].get_children()[0]

         # Send the updated temperature to the server.
         # The coroutine completes when the server accepts the change,
         # but hasn't necessarily applied it yet.
         # You can subscribe to get notified when the change is eventually applied.
         await device.update_target_temperature(20.0)
         await asyncio.sleep(10)

 if __name__ == "__main__":

The underlying API is based on MQTT and totally asynchronous. The library automatically synchronizes when fetching fresh state for the devices, but the same is not true for the update_X() calls. The server may not even report some updates, for instance when setting the target temperature to the same value it already has.

The sample program naively uses asyncio.sleep() to ensure it has time to receive the notification about the newly applied temperature value. An actual program would do something more efficient, like update GUI elements or dispatch messages to an event loop in response to the callbacks.

Command-line interface

The package contains a command-line interface. To install the dependencies, include the cli extras:

$ pip install pyupgw[cli]
$ pyupgw --help


The main reason for this project was to develop a client library for a Home Assistant integration for Unisenza Plus.

The client library is intended to give a robust and simplified interface to the most important functionality of the smart thermostats. By hiding complexity it trades off some degree of control.

The library only supports a subset of features of the devices. New features may be added on a case-by-case basis.


The author of the library is in no way affiliated with the company Purmo, and not working using official API documentation. The code is based on experimentation with the equipment at hand, and will likely never cover all the possible features of the products.

The Unisenza Plus service is based on the UleEco IoT platform. Hence, the package might work with some modifications with other solutions based on the platform. However, since the author does not have official documentation, this is not guaranteed and a universal UleEco client is not in the scope of this project for the time being.

The intended use of the library is developing scripts and other automation for the Purmo thermostats. The underlying API contains data specifically intended to be consumed by the official Unisenza Plus app (related to presentation and notifications, for instance). There is no intention to support those features in this library.


This project is still in its early stages. Please open an issue or PR in the Github repository if you want to get in touch with questions or contributions.