PyViz3D is a python package to visualize 3D scenes directly in your browser, and create beautiful renderings with blender.
- Install:
python -m pip install pyviz3d
- Examples
- Deployment
Scene graph example, including blender rendering. [Show Code] [Show Demo]
Blender example, including blender rendering. [Show Code] [Show Demo]
Arrow example. [Show Code] [Show Demo]
Bounding boxes example. [Show Code] [Show Demo]
Polygon meshes (.obj and .ply). [Show Code] [Show Demo]
Point clouds, segments and normals. [Show Code] [Show Demo]
Polylines. [Show Code] [Show Demo]
Superquadrics. [Show Code] [Show Demo]
Text Labels. [Show Code] [Show Demo]
Instructions for PyPi and API Token.
One time setup:
vim ~/.pypirc # put __token__ as username
python3 -m pip install build twine
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
Upload latest version to pypi:
vim pyproject.toml # update version
rm -rf dist
rm -rf example_*
python3 -m build
python3 -m twine upload dist/*
Please consider citing PyViz3D in your publications if it helps your research.
author={Francis Engelmann},