
Simple essentials extension library of additions to vanilla python.

essentials, extension, simple, small
pip install pyvorse==1.0.1



Simple essentials extension library of additions to vanilla python.


  • [core]:
    • @attribute - converts any function with (arg: str) to attribute processor
    • w. - attribute processor to faster writing short words, dont use it in speed is important. For obvious reasons, such a word notation is guaranteed to conform to python's naming conventions. w.var_name = "var_name"
    • class: basis - extended base class
    • @throws(*exceptions_cls) - marks function with classes, that can be thrown
    • isthrows(exception_cls) - test function to be marked with @throws()
    • trycall(func, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple[result, exception] - catches exceptions in function call
    • @safe - converts function to its copy, but automatically called inside trycall(), and returns tuple[result, exception]
    • Operators - enum for @calloperators
    • @calloperators(op: Operators = Operators.All) - converts function to object, that calls with secon operand and returns result of it function on using operator, selected in argument. Operand still can be called as function.
    • reprint() - operand-variation of print function, can be called like reprint - w.text_to_show. If prints only one value, value will be returned as result.
    • @functor - allows function to be called with self object as first argument. to work with its fields as example.
    • class: unibox - class, that locks value inside field .inbox, and contains dict for metadata, and can be stopped with .stop(), and be test for it by .stopped, or .isStopped()
    • copyAllProps(dest, source) - function copies all attributes from source to dest, but ignores attributes with name starting with duble underscore '__'
  • [data]:
    • [deep]
      • deep - Implements a simplified version of javascript objects based on the "dict" class. Can be created directly or through a class of similar objects that extends "dci". Prototypal inheritance. All methods to look deeper starts with word «deep», like .deepget(name). More details on the wiki.
      • dci - empty base deepclass, use its .extend(new_prototype: deep, *names: str) method, that returns new deepclass object
      • class: DeepCalss - ignore it, nothing more then python`s class of «dci»
    • [positioned]
      • class: poslist - list, based on dict. Aloows to contain skips inside.
    • [simple]
      • class: loop - list, but handles index overload like list is lopped
      • class: scope - dict, but allows get-access to items like access to attributes, and attribute-like set access, but onky for keys, already present in dict. Allows to find item by number of a key (it automatically sorted in dicts). Allows getting values dynamic/ Value is a function to be called with self dict as first argument. .getDynamic(key)
      • class: stack - list, extended only, no changes. .setvalidation(validator: Callable) - validates values on pushing to the stack. .push(value) and .leftpush(value), .pushes(value) and .leftpushes(value). Raises ValueError, if loses validation. .pull() and .leftpull(value) - works like default .pop() but without arguments, for last and first element.
    • [smart]
      • class: smartlist - list, but with additional methods. find, select, filtered (iter), filter, any, all, astuole, asslist, asset, foreach, mapper, reducer, sort, sliced, slicedstart, slicedend. Working with predicates and callbacks. Details on wiki.
      • class: handle - Primitive handlers container, simplest pipeline. Objects can be used as decorators, or called with callback passed. On each step calls callback with box on first argument.
      • class: objectAddress - Create, object adr = objectAddress(), write your way adr["Configs"]["chances"]["spawn"](lambda pos: pos[SNEED]), and use it on data structire adr.use(CONFIGS_ROOT). It returns same for CONFIGS_ROOT["Configs"]["chances"]["spawn"][SNEED], but can be used nultiple times and dynamically.
    • [spiders]
      • class: spider(seeker: Callable, worker: Callable) - spiders can work with complex data structures. Seeker selexts new node, worker does something here. Seeker and worker will be called with (struct, dot, box). Use box.stop() to finish spiders`s walk. But worker will be called even if you stop it in seeker.
    • [table]
      • class: Table - contains headers and rows. use table[index_column][index_row] or better table.getitem(row:int, col:int) for extracting values. Use adddefaultheader(self, name: str, align: int = 0, default=None) to add new column. You can use .getdynamic(row:int, col:int) to work with dynamic values. functions, that will be called with (table: Table, row:int, col:int). For example - auto-numerations. Rendering method not presented! Inherit class, and add any render you want, markdown or html for example.
      • class: Column - saves names and align for headers. Saves default values for tables.
      • class: Row: poslist - class represents rows in the table
  • [mathematics] - Whole default math, but with 2 new functions. trin(n) for triangular number and count of diagonals in any shape. hexcount(n) - for calculatinc number of hexagonal cells in radius from one.
  • [pipeline] - simple tools for complex piplines
    • [datacell]
      • class: dcell: core.unibox - just container for value in pipeline.
    • [mains] - Default pipline functions containers:
      • DictionaryPipeline
      • ListPipeline
    • [routers] - full pipeline conveyor build. Cotains static metadata. Uses pointer to select new function, and it can be method from pipeline container.
      • class: router - Read on wiki! Use r.launch(cell) or r(cell). All functions in pipeline will be called with (cell, staticmeta), with staticmeta from router.
  • [tests]
    • [exprs]
      • iterable(o) - allows to get iterator from object, and using o inside cycle
      • nextable(o) - allows to use next(o)
      • forable(o) - deeper version of iterable(o) test.
      • instanceof(o, *cls) - alternative notation to isinstance, like instanceof(my_num, int, float, complex)
      • withable(o) - allows with.. as..
      • awithable(o) - allows async with.. as..
      • isinrange(_list, index) - test index for a range in the index
    • [other]
      • hashable(o) - can be used as key for dictionary or not.
      • haskey(o, key) - like hasattr, but tests for o[key]
      • isand(o, *t) - tests o to be all of *t
      • isor(o, *t) - tests o to be any of *t
      • eqand(o, *t) - tests o to be equal to all of *t
      • eqor(o, *t) - tests o to be equal to any of *t
      • haslen(o) - can be item used in len(o) or not.