
A python implementation of weighted directed graphs

pip install pywgraph==1.0.0.post1



A library to manipulate weighted graphs in python. This library focus on directed graphs whose edges have weights. The weights of the graph can be any elements of a fixed mathematical group. By default, the underlying group is set to be the real numbers with the multiplication. Thus, when trasversing the graph, the weight of the path is the product of the weights of the edges, but in general, it is the product under the binary operation of the group.

For this reason, this package also includes a basic abstraction of a group. The group definition is base on:

  • A function of two variables that return one element (the binary operation of the group).

  • The inverse function of an element. This is, the function that given an element of the group returns its inverse.

  • The identity element of the group.

  • Optional, a hash function for the elements of the group. By default it is taken the standard python hash function. If your group contains not hashable elements you should provide one.

  • [New in 1.1.0] Optional, a check function to check if an element belongs to the group.



The main object to construct the graph is the WeightedDirectedEdge class. This represents a directed edge with a weight. The construction basic construction is as follows:

from pywgraph import WeightedDirectedEdge

edge = WeightedDirectedEdge("A", "B", 0.5)

The first two parameters are the nodes that the edge connects. The last parameter is the weight. It is important to notice that, since this is a directed edge, the order of the nodes is important. Since we do have not specify any group, the default group is the real numbers with the multiplication.

You can call the start and end nodes with edge.start and edge.end, respectevely. To get the weight, simply use edge.weight. You can also get the inverse edge with edge.inverse. This is, the edge that connects the end node of edge to the start node of edge and has 1/edge.weight as weight (as said previously, in the future this is meant to be the inverse of the weight in the underlying group).

Also, this class is hashable and iterable, yielding the start node, end node and weight.


The graph is represented by the WeightedDirectedGraph class. This is the main class of the package. The graph itself is a set of nodes and a set of WeightedDirectedEdges. If you don`t specify it, the underlying group for the weights as said would be the real numbers with the multiplication.

It is also possible, and more comfortable, to create the graph using the WeightedDirectedGraph.from_dict method, which instantiates the graph from a dictionary. The keys of the dictionary are the starting nodes. The values must consists of another dictionary, where the keys are the ending nodes and the value is the weight of the edge. It is important that all nodes of the graph must be keys in the dictionary. If, for example, there is a node "C" that has no children nodes, then the dictionary must have a key "C" with a value of {}. As always, if you want to use another group for the weights you should specify it here.

from pywgraph import WeightedDirectedGraph

g = WeightedDirectedGraph.from_dict({
    "A": {"B": 0.5},
    "B": {"A": 0.5, "C": 1.0},
    "C": {}

The equivalent construction using set of nodes and set of edges is as follows:

from pywgraph import WeightedDirectedGraph

graph = WeightedDirectedGraph(
    nodes={"A", "B", "C"},
        WeightedDirectedEdge("A", "B", 0.5),
        WeightedDirectedEdge("B", "A", 0.5),
        WeightedDirectedEdge("B", "C", 1.0)

You can instantiate a bad define graph by not writting all the nodes that appear in the edges in the nodes set. There is a method check_defintion that checks if the graph is well defined, but the check is not enforce. You can retrieve the nodes and edges by graph.nodes and graph.edges, respectively.

You can also acces the children and the parents of a nodes with the methods children and parents, respectively.

# {"B"}

# {}

# {"A", "C"}

The main use of this graph object is to work with their weights as group elements, so normally, you want that reverse edges of existing ones have the inverse weight of the existing edge weight. For this, there is the method add_reverse_edges that returns a new graph with the original graph with all the reverse edges added. You can also modify the graph directly with the paremeter inplace=True.

graph_w_inverse_edges = graph.add_reverse_edges()

# Updating the graph 

Path finding

There is a method find_paths that finds all paths between two gven nodes. This method have many options to modify the behaviour of the search. Its parameters are:

  • start: The node of the graph where the algorithm starts the search.
  • end: The target node of the graph to reach.
  • general_max_visitations: A non negative integer that specifies the maximum number of times that nodes can be visited along the path. By default is set to one.
  • specific_max_visitations: A dictionary whose keys are nodes and values are non negative integers. This specifies the maximum number of times that the key node can be visited along the path, overriding what is set in the genera_max_visitations parameter. By default is set to the empty dictionary. You can use this parameter to find paths that avoid one node by setting genera_max_visitations={"AvoidNode":0}. You can also use it to find cycles by setting the same starting and ending node and allowing to visit it two times. There is an specific method to find cycles.
  • max_iter: A non negative integer that limits the number of iterations of the search algorithm. The algorithm should always finish, but for large and complex paths it can take a lot of iterations. You can use this parameter to limit the amount of iterations to perform. By default is set to the factorial of the number of nodes in the graph. A warning will be raised if the maximum number of iterations is reached.
  • max_paths: A non negative integer that limits the number of paths that the method will return. By default is set to infinity, so it will return all the possible paths. If you are interested in finding only one path you can set this parameter to one and the algorithm will finish after finding it.

The result of this method will be a list of Paths objects, which is just a direct subclass of list[str] that is used to represent a path. If no path was found the result will be an empty list.

dictionary = {
    "A": {"B": 1},
    "B": {"C": 2.5, "A": 1},
    "C": {},
    "Z": {},
graph = WeightedDirectedGraph.from_dict(dictionary)

graph.find_paths("A", "B")
# [["A", "B]]

graph.find_paths("A", "Z")
# []

graph.find_paths("A", "C")
# [["A", "B", "C"]]

graph.find_paths("A", "A")
# [["A"]]

graph.find_paths("A", "A", general_max_visitations=2)
# [['A'], ['A','B','A'], ['A','B','C','B','A']]

graph.find_paths("A", "B", general_max_visitations=2)
# [['A','B'], ['A','B','A','B], ['A','B','C','B']]

graph.find_paths("A", "B", specific_max_visitations={"B":2})
# [['A','B'], ['A','B','C','B']

There is also a method to get the weight of following a path. This method is call path_weight. It receives a Path object or list[str] and returns the weight of the path (the product of the weights). You can set a default value (like the python dict.get) that will be return if the path is empty. By default it is set to None. If the given path does not exists an exception will be raised. If the given path consists of just one node, the identity element of the group (1.0 for standard graphs) will be return.

graph.path_weight([], "Helo World")
# "Helo World"

graph.path_weight(["A", "B"])
# 1.0

graph.path_weight(["A", "B", "C"])
# 2.5

# 1.0

Graphs and groups

Introduction to the Group class

As said in the introduction, there is also an abstraction of a mathematical group. This object is call simply Group. To initialize it you need to provide a description of the group (string), the binary operation, the inverse operation and the identity element. If the elements of the group are not hashable, you should provide a hash function. One example could be an implementation of $\mathbb{R^2}$ under addition. For this we could represent vectors with numpy arrays, which are not hashable. We can construct this group as follows.

import numpy as np
from pywgraph import Group

group = Group(
    name="R^2 under addition",
    operation=lambda x, y: x + y,
    inverse_function=lambda x: -x,
    hash_function=lambda x: hash(tuple(x))

You can also provide a check function that checks if an object belongs to the group. In the above case, a checker function could be defined by:

def r_2_check(weight: Any) -> bool:
    if not isinstance(weight, np.ndarray): 
        return False
    if len(weight) != 2:
        return False
    if not all(isinstance(x, (int, float)) for x in weight):
        return False
    return True

This group instance is callable. The call gets two variables as inputs and return the operation between them. Since there is no type checking, the user is responsible of using it with valid inputs. You can also call the group operation with the property Group.operation and the inverse operation by Group.inverse_function. The identity element is stored in the property Group.identity. If you need to, you can also get back the hash function with the property Group.hash_function. If provided a check function, you can check if an object belongs to the group with the method Group.check.

import numpy as np 
vector_1 = np.array([1, 3])
vector_2 = np.arra([-1, 7])

group(vector_1, vector_2)
# np.array([0, 10])

group.operation(vector_1, vector_2)
# np.array([0, 10])

# np.array([-1, -3])

# np.array([0, 0])

# True

# False

General weights for edges

Now that we introduce how to construct a group we will se how to use it to provide elements of an arbitrary group as weights of an edge. To do so you just need to create the group and add it as a parameter in the constructor of edge.

from pywgraph import WeightedDirectedEdge, Group
import numpy as np 
group = Group(
    name="R^2 under addition",
    operation=lambda x, y: x + y,
    inverse_function=lambda x: -x,
    hash_function=lambda x: hash(tuple(x))
weight_of_edge = np.array([1, 2])

edge = WeightedDirectedEdge("A", "B", weight_of_edge, group)

With the group information given, now this edge instance knows how to construct the inverse edge.

# WeightedDirectedEdge("B", "A", np.array([-1, -2]), group)

Is important to notice that there is no checking of wether the provide weight is a valid element of the given group.

General weighted graphs

Now, for constructing a weighted directed graph whose weights are elements of a specific group you just need to define the group and create the graph adding the group as parameter. The edges of the graph need to include the group as well, as seen before. A better way to construct the graph is to use the method WeightedDirectedGraph.from_dict. Now this works exactly the same but adding the group as a new parameter.

With this implementation any method that concerns weights uses the group operation to handle it. For example, the weight of a given path that the WeightedDirectedGraph.path_weight yields is obtain with the consecutive application of the group operation. The same happens with the WeightedDirectedGraph.weight_between method.

from pywgraph import WeightedDirectedGraph, Group
import numpy as np 
group = Group(
    "R^2 under addition",
    lambda x, y: x + y,
    lambda x, y: x - y,
    hash_function=lambda x: hash(tuple(x))

dictionary = {
    "A": {"B": np.array([1, 2.5]), "C": np.array([-1, 3.4])},
    "B": {"C": np.array([2.5, -1])},
    "C": {"A": np.array([1 / 2.5, 1 / 3.4]), "D": np.array([1.3, 3.4])},
    "D": {"E": np.array([3.4, 1.3])},
    "E": {},

graph = WeightedDirectedGraph.from_dict(dictionary, group)
# Creates the graph

graph.path_weight(["A", "C"])
# np.array([-1, 3.4])

graph.path_weight(["A", "B", "C"])
# np.array([1, 2.5]) + np.array([2.5, -1]) = np.array([3.5, 1.5])

Notice that this graph is not conmutative since the weight of the path ["A", "C"] is different from the weight of the path ["A", "B", "C].

Release Notes

Version 1.0.1 (2024-05-07)

  • Added a method to WeightedDirectedGraph to add a new node.
  • Added a method to WeightedDirectedGraph to add a new edge. This can be doned given the desire weight, given a path between the nodes to connect and use the product of the weights or just let the graph find a path between nodes and use the product of the weights.

Version 1.0.2 (2024-05-09)

  • Added a method to WeightedDirectedGraph to remove a node.
  • Added a method to WeightedDirectedGraph to remove an edge.

Version 1.1.0 (2024-05-15)

  • The Group class now has a group_checker optional parameter that consists of a function to check wether an element belongs to the group or not.

  • Add the method WeightedDirectedGraph.find_paths to find all paths between two given nodes.

  • The method WeightedDirectedGraph.find_path is deprecated and will be removed, use find_paths with max_paths=1 to replicate WeightedDirectedGraph.find_path behaviour.

  • Add Path and Cycle classes to represent an abstraction of a node path and a node cycle.

  • Add method WeightedDirectedGraph.get_node_cycles to find all cycles that contains the node.

  • Add property WeightedDirectedGraph.cycles that returns the set of all simple cycles of the graph.

  • Add the property WeightedDirectedGraph.is_conmutative that checks it the graph is conmutative.

  • The method WeightedDirectedGraph.weight_between is deprecated and will be removed. Combine WeightedDirectedGraph.find_paths with WeightedDirectedGraph.path_weight to replicate WeightedDirectedGraph.weight_between behaviour.

  • The behaviour of WeightedDirectedGraph.add_edge when no weight and path is given is deprecated and will be removed. Either give a weight or seach for a path.

Version 1.1.1-beta (2024-05-15)

  • New method WeightedDirectedGraph.from_tuples to initialize a graph from a list of tuples. This must be a list of 3-tuples whose first two elements are nodes and the third is the weight.
  • The Dijkstra algorithm is now implemented. A Dijkstra class is added to the package. It is initialized with a graph and a starting node. You can use Dijkstra.perform_dijkstra_algorithm to perform the algorithm and then call Dijkstra.shortest_path to get the shortest path between two nodes. The result is a DijkstraResult object that consists of a path and the weight of the path.