
a thin wrapper around getziptastic's API v2

api, geo-location, zipcode, devtools, Development, ziptastic, latitude, longitude
pip install pyzipcode-cli==0.1.3



PyPI version License Python Versions Build Status Requirements Status

Author: Tasdik Rahman

1   What is it?

Extract meta data like

  • city
  • state
  • county
  • location
    • latitude
    • longitude
  • Appropriate boundaries for that area

by just using the ZIPCODE and Country code

2   Features

  • Written in uncomplicated python

  • Supports all the Country codes specified in the ISO specification i.e all 264 countries where they have a pin code.

    You can find a list of all the country codes at the Wiki page

  • Gives ouput in a dict form or a JSON format

  • Fast and easy to use

3   Installation

3.1   Option 1: installing through pip (Suggested way)

pypi package link

$ pip install pyzipcode-cli

If you are behind a proxy

$ pip --proxy [username:password@]domain_name:port install pyzipcode-cli

Note: If you get command not found then $ sudo apt-get install python-pip should fix that

3.2   Option 2: Installing from source

$ git clone
$ cd pyzipcode-cli/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python install

4   Usage


>>> from pyzipcode import Pyzipcode as pz
>>> pz.get(603203, "IN", return_json=True)
  "location": {
    "lat": 12.8336666,
    "lng": 80.0199562
  "city": "Kavanur",
  "state_short": "25",
  "county": "Kanchipuram",
  "state": "Tamil Nadu",
  "postal_code": "603203",
  "bounds": {
    "northeast": {
      "lat": 12.8769479,
      "lng": 80.0572497
    "southwest": {
      "lat": 12.7997355,
      "lng": 79.9504465
  "location_type": "APPROXIMATE",
  "country": "IN"

>>> pz.get(94305, "US", return_json=True)
  "city": "Stanford",
  "country": "US",
  "bounds": {
    "northeast": {
      "lat": 37.44363,
      "lng": -122.1494501
    "southwest": {
      "lat": 37.382743,
      "lng": -122.194849
  "county": "Santa Clara",
  "state": "California",
  "state_short": "CA",
  "postal_code": "94305",
  "location": {
    "lat": 37.4135757,
    "lng": -122.1689284
  "location_type": "APPROXIMATE"

5   To-do

  • [ ] Support timezone extraction
  • [ ] Add cli-support

6   Contributing

Feel free to make a pull request. For that, please refer the Contributing page

7   Bugs

Please report the bugs at the issue tracker

8   Known Issues

  • The zipcodes for Argentina are not working for the release 0.1.3 as reported by DavidVentura on issue #1

9   License :

MIT License © Tasdik Rahman

You can find a copy of the License at