
GUI over the pyimgren package

pip install qtimgren==0.3.2


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This is a GUI around the pyimgren package. Currently it is able to rename camera images via pyimgren forth and back. Its main feature is that it allows a manual selection of the images to rename.

Of course buttons are there to allow default selections.

It is based on profiles. For qtimgren, a profile is what is required for pyimgren configuration:

  • a folder
  • a source pattern to identify camera images (typically IMG*.JPG or DSCF*.JPG)
  • a compatible with datatime.strftime pattern to build the new name from the JPEG timestamp
  • and of course a unique name

Thanks to pyimgren, it is possible to use a delta in minutes to cope with a digital camera having a wrong time.

In order to make image selection easier, thumbnails can be displayed in the main application window along with the current, future and original names. But as image computation and display are expensive tasks, the display can be turned off. Anyway, the computation is asynchronous, meaning that the application can be used as soon as the currently displayed images are available.


Direct installation on Windows

Thanks to PyInstaller and InnoSetup, an installer and a portable zip file are available on Github.

That way you have no dependencies, not even on Python.

From PyPI

pip install qtimgren

From Github

This is the recommended way if you want to contribute or simply tweak qtimgren to your own requirements. You can get a local copy by downloading a zipfile but if you want to make changes, you should rather clone the repository to have access to all git goodies:

git clone https://github.com/s-ball/qtimgren.git

You can then install it in your main Python installation or in a venv with:

pip install -e .

or on Windows with the launcher:

py -m pip install -e .

Alternatively, you can use the setup.py script to build the unversioned files without installing anything:

python setup.py build

Special handling of version.py:

QtImgren relies on setuptools-scm to automatically extract a version number from git metadata and store it in a version.py file for later use. The requires the availability of both git (which should not be a problem when the project is downloaded from Github), and setuptools-scm. If it fails because one is not available or because git metadata is not there (if you only downloaded a zip archive from Github), the version is set to 0.0.0

For that reason, if you do not use git to download the sources, you should download a source distribution from PyPI, because the latter contains a valid version.py

pip uses the pyproject.toml file with respect to PEP-518 and PEP-517 to know that setuptools-scm is required before the build.

Basic use

Once installed, you can run the application:



The application is natively written is English, and contains a French translation of its IHM. It depends on Qt Linguist tools for generating the binary file used at run-time. The required tool lrelease exists in the Windows PySide2 distribution, but not in Linux or Mac ones. On those platforms, you need a to install the Qt development tools and ensure that they are accessible via the path.

Of course, if you install from a PyPi wheel, the compiled message files are included as a resource.

At run time, the system default language is used by default, or can be explicitly specified with the --lang option:

qtimgren --lang=fr           # forces fr language
qtimgren --lang=C            # forces native english language


Contributions are welcome, including translations or just issues on GitHub. Problems are expected to be documented so that they can be reproduced. But I only develop this on my free time, so I cannot guarantee quick answers...

Disclaimer: beta quality

All functionalities are now implemented, and the underlying pyimgren module has been used for years. I trust it enough to handle my own photographies with it. Yet it still lacks a decent documentation, and has not been extensively tested


This work is licenced under a MIT Licence. See LICENSE.txt