
An Encryption library

pip install quarkz==0.0.1



Unit Tests

Upload Release

A mathematically beautiful encryption library


Install the dependencies, then:

$ python3 example.py

How to Install

$ pip3 install quarkz

How to Use

First, create a key pair:

from quarkz.utils import createKey

key_pair = createKey(keysize=256) #256 is the recommended keysize
print(key_pair) # --> <quarkz.dtypes.KeyPair object at 0x7f430c33b1c0>

Then, encrypt some data. Note you'll need your public key:

from quarkz.rsa import encrypt

pub_key = key_pair.get_public_key()

some_data = "some string"
encrypted_data = encrypt(some_data, pub_key)

print(encrypted_data) # --> <quarkz.dtypes.Encrypted object at 0x7f430c33b1c0>

To decrypt you simply need your keypair created earlier:

from quarkz.rsa import decrypt

decrypted_data = decrypt(encrypted_data, key_pair)
print(decrypted_data) # --> "some string"

Development Install

For development, it is recommended to use a virtual env:

$ python3 -m venv env

To activate it:

$ source env/bin/activate

or when using the fish shell:

$ source env/bin/activate.fish

To install:

$ pip3 -r requirements.txt

How to run pre-built test

First, you will need to set up the environment as shown above.

Note: Make sure you are in your python3 virtual environment.

Once that is done simply run string_test.py in the top directory:

$ python string_test.py