
A simple Python 3.x resource lock to ensure only one process at a time is operating with a particular resource.

lock, locking, singleton, process, resource, exclusive
pip install quicklock3==0.1.8



A simple Python resource lock to ensure only one process at a time is operating with a particular resource.

Singleton Usage

Singleton creates a file containing process information to ensure that the process that created the lock is still alive. The default location is in the .lock directory in the current working directory. If this directory does not exist, singleton will create it automatically.

Simple usage:

from quicklock3 import singleton

singleton('my-process')  # This will ensure that only one of these is running at once
# The lock is released when the process that created the lock
# exits (successfully or quits unexpectedly)

# Intensive processing here

Specifying the lock directory:

from quicklock3 import singleton

singleton('my-process', dirname='/var/lock')  # Now all lock files will be written to
# /var/lock instead

# Intensive processing here


Please feel free to create issues and submit pull requests. I want to keep this library as a simple collection of useful locking-related utilities.


The license is MIT, see the attached LICENSE file for more information.