Powerful way to construct text, HTML, and XML, plus a kick-ass join

quote, wrap, prefix, suffix, endcap, repr, representation, html, xml, join
pip install quoter==0.109



from quoter import *

print single('this')       # 'this'
print double('that')       # "that"
print backticks('ls -l')   # `ls -l`
print braces('curlycue')   # {curlycue}
print braces('curlysue', padding=1)
                           # { curlysue }

Cute...but way too simple to be useful, right? Read on!

Let's try something more complicated, where the output has to be intelligently based on context. Here's a taste of quoting some HTML content:

print html.p("A para", ".focus")
print html.img('.large', src='file.jpg')
print html.br()
print html.comment("content ends here")


<p class='focus'>A para</p>
<img class='large' src='file.jpg'>
<!-- content ends here -->

This goes well beyond "simply wrapping some text with other text." The output format varies widely, correctly interpreting CSS Selector-based controls, using void/self-closing elements where needed, and using specialized markup such as the comment format when needed. The HTML quoter and its companion XML quoter are competitive in power and simplicity with bespoke markup-generating packages.

(A similar generator for Markdown is also newly included, though it's a the "demonsration" rather than "use in production code" stage.)

Finally, quoter provides a drop-dead simple, highly functional, join function:

mylist = list("ABCD")
print join(mylist)
print join(mylist, sep=" | ", endcaps=braces)
print join(mylist, sep=" | ", endcaps=braces.but(padding=1))
print and_join(mylist)
print and_join(mylist[:2])
print and_join(mylist[:3])
print and_join(mylist, quoter=double, lastsep=" and ")


A, B, C, D
{A | B | C | D}
{ A | B | C | D }
A and B
A, B, and C
A, B, C, and D
"A", "B", "C" and "D"

Which shows a range of separators, separation styles (both Oxford and non-Oxford commas), endcaps, padding, and individual item quoting. I daresay you will not find a more flexible or configurable join function anywhere else, in any programming language, at any price.

And if you like any particular style of formatting, make it your own:

>>> my_join = join.but(sep=" | ", endcaps=braces.but(padding=1))
>>> print my_join(mylist)
{ A | B | C | D }

Now you have a convenient specialized formatter to your own specifications.

See the rest of the story at Read the Docs.