
Provides decorators for basic RabbitMQ support with respect to publishing and consuming messages.

pip install rabbit-clients==1.0.3


'build status' Coverage Status GitHub release (latest SemVer)

Rabbit MQ Clients

Simplify RabbitMQ messaging like a Flask URL Route and enforce the message body to be JSON


From pip

$ pip install rabbit-clients

From source

$ python setup.py install

NOTE: Rabbit-Clients looks for the following environment variables:

  • RABBITMQ_HOST - RabbitMQ FQDN, defaults to localhost
  • RABBITMQ_USER - User for authentication, defaults to guest
  • RABBITMQ_PASSWORD - Password for authentication, defaults to guest
  • RABBITMQ_VIRTUAL_HOST - Virtual host, defaults to /
  • RABBITMQ_PORT - Port to use, defaults to 5672

Usage Example

You may only have one ConsumeMessage decorator per module/service. A user can publish as much as desired.

from typing import Dict, Any, Union

from rabbit_clients import PublishMessage, ConsumeMessage

@PublishMessage(queue='younguns', exchange='millennials')
def publish_to_younguns(message: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    return message

@PublishMessage(queue='aaron_detect', exchange='genx')
def check_for_aaron(consumed_message: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    return_message = {'name': consumed_message['name'], 'isAaron': False}
    if return_message['name']  == 'Aaron':
        return_message['isAaron'] = True
    return return_message

@ConsumeMessage(queue='oldfolks', exchange='genx')
def remove_forty_and_up(message_dict: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None):
    Silly example
    :param message_dict: Assumes you are using JSON as your message body
    people = message_dict['people']
    not_protected_class = [younger for younger in people if younger['age'] < 40]
    message_dict['people'] = not_protected_class

if __name__ == '__main__':
    remove_forty_and_up()  # Listening for messages




Running the unit tests requires that a local RabbitMQ instance is available. The CI/CD implicitly handles this but users are advised to utilize docker:

$ docker run -d --hostname test-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 8080:15672 rabbitmq:3

Refer to RabbitMQ's Official Dockerhub for up-to-date details.

Install the package and development requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Run the tests

$ pytest --cov=rabbit_clients


Rabbit-Clients will follow a GitFlow guideline. Users wishing to contribute should fork the repo to your account. Feature branches should be created from the current development branch and open pull requests against the original repo.