
Facilitate your rabbitmq implementation

rabbit, rabbitmq, pika, flask, django, queue
pip install rabbitmq-wrapper==1.0.2


Rabbit MQ Wrapper

Create a class to rapid implementation of rabbitmq on your project
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Obs: Notes this implementatio use pika as a basis.


pip install rabbitmq-wrapper


  1. Import RabbitWrapper Class:

    from rabbitmq_wrapper import RabbitWrapper
  2. Create a configuration dict:

       'ENABLED': True,
       'USE_EXCHANGE': '',
       # QUEUES
       'DEFAULT_QUEUE': 'my_queue',
       'DEADLETTER_QUEUE': 'my_queue_deadletter',  # default is setted to f"DEFAULT_QUEUE_deadletter"
       'ALLOWED_QUEUES': ['my_queue', 'my_queue_deadletter'],  # default is [DEFAULT_QUEUE, DEADLETTER_QUEUE]
       'CONNECTION': {
          # see all parameters on https://pika.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/parameters.html#connectionparameters, https://pika.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/credentials.html#module-pika.credentials
          'HOST': '',
          'PORT': '',
          'USERNAME': '',
          'PASSWORD': ''
       # if your prefer, you can use url connection
       'CONNECTION': {
          'URL': 'amqp://',
       # Consumers
       'CONSUMERS': [
          # See all parameters on https://pika.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules/channel.html#pika.channel.Channel.basic_consume 
          # Obs the param "on_message_callback" is replaced by callback and receive string with callback function path
          {'queue': 'email_service', 'callback': 'app.callbacks.MyReceiver', 'auto_ack': False}
  3. Instance with settings

    RabbitWrapper(config={ ... })
    # or if your use django, you can put config on settings.py, and pass a name to instance
    # in settings.py:
    RABBIT_MyCustomConfig = { ... }
  4. Use Message Receive Wrapper Class:

    from rabbitmq_wrapper import CallbackWrapper
    class MyReceiver(CallbackWrapper):
       NAME = ''  # Name used to instance RabbitWrapper or None
       CONFIG = None  # Config used to instance RabbitWrapper or None
       def consume_data(self, raw_msg):
          # Your logic here.


  1. See custom methods on CallbackWrapper:

    1. Message ACK
    1. Parse data to json
    # Obs: Name or Config in class params needed to use param deadletter_on_error
    self.msg_json_parser(data={}, deadletter_on_error=False, ack_on_error=False)
    1. Resend msg to queue
    # Obs: Name or Config in class params needed to use this
    self.msg_resend(self, data, queue=None, json=True) # params: data (data to resend), queue (queue to resend), json (parse data to json).
    1. Move msg to deadletter
    # Obs: Name or Config in class params needed to use this
    self.msg_deadletter(self, data, queue=None, json=True) # params: (data to move), queue (queue to move), json (parse data to json)