
Collect metrics from real-world devices

pip install read-device==3.1.1



device command

  • Read the state of a device defined in config:

    device enumerate -n '$DEVICE_NAME'

    It's possible to enumerate by arguments other than name, by multiple arguments or in a way that matches multiple devices.

  • Read a device on-the-fly/not defined in config (additional options may be required depending on the profile):

    device enumerate -p $PROFILE_NAME -a $DEVICE_ADDRESS

  • List all devices defined in configuration

    device list

  • Enumerate a device in a different output format

    device enumerate -n '$DEVICE_NAME' -f cacti

    Available formatters are: pretty (default), cacti and json. User-defined formatters may be placed in /etc/read_device/formatters

  • List all the device profiles we know about

    device profiles

    User-defined profiles may be placed in /etc/read_device/profiles

  • Store the current energy value of all defined electricity meters (this may take some time):

    device -y -f json enumerate -t 'Electricity Meter' | meters store

meters command

Note: This command creates a database in the same directory as config.xml. If this is in /etc and you want to use the command as non-root you'll need to set permissions correctly (either on the directory or the file itself - meters.db).


See doc/


Site-specific configuration is done via XML configuration file located at ~/.read_device/site.xml or /etc/read_device/site.xml and has the following basic structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <Device profile="diris.a20" address="" slave="1" name="TX1" />
  <Device profile="diris.a20" address="" slave="2" name="TX2" />

<Device /> nodes may be placed under intermediary nodes (multiple levels are allowed) to indicate any structure you may wish to use. The only requirement is that these nodes have a name attribute. Here is a fully-featured example:

  <Building name="ENCOM Tower">
    <Department name="Security">
      <Device profile="diris.a20" address="" slave="14" name="DB10 Supply" />

    <Department name="Accounting">
      <Device profile="diris.a20" address="" slave="15" name="DB11 Supply" />

    <Department name="Systems">
      <System name="ENCOM 511">
        <Device profile="malevolent.supercomputer" address="" slave="humanity" name="ENCOM 511" />

  <Building name="Flynn's Arcade">
    <Floor name="Arcade">
      <Device profile="arcade.machine" address="" name="Time Crisis" />
      <Device profile="arcade.machine" address="" name="Street Fighter II" />

    <Floor name="Basement">
      <Device profile="diris.a20" address="" slave="11" name="TX1" />
      <Device profile="tron" address="" name="Tron System" />

This (contrived) example shows how one might add meaning to a large collection of devices. It's then possible using the tools provided as part of read-device to interrogate the "location" or "path" of a given device.

Technical Bit: Devices are discovered with the XPath query //Device and the location/path is discovered by traversing up the tree until no further parents are found.


This needs a proper write-up, but to get started, the following works with the following configuration:

[leason@vortis read_device]$ head -n1 /etc/system-release
CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
[leason@vortis read_device]$ python -V
Python 2.6.6
[leason@vortis read_device]$ yum install libxml2-python libxslt-python libxslt-devel
[leason@vortis read_device]$ pip install read-device pymodbus
[leason@vortis read_device]$ mkdir -p /etc/read_device/{profiles,formatters}
[leason@vortis read_device]$ cat > /etc/read_device/site.xml <<-CONFIG
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

On some distributions you'll get the following error when you run any command:

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: requests

In this case, the easiest fix is to install the packages from the distro:

yum install python-requests python-click


There are a number of concepts used throughout this documentation and the code to describe various parts of the system and how they interact. Here are some of them




Additional Information


  • Since removing DefinedError, we need a debug option to allow full stack traces to be shown (aka, don't mess with sys.excepthook). Optionally, we could detect where the exception was raised, and if it's not ours, fall through to default excepthook always?
  • Use logger for debugging information
  • Add definitions to glossary
  • Complete work on meters command
  • Write useful man pages?
  • Analyse concurrency/performance
  • Packaging? Not hard to bundle in an RPM package, symlink groff files and create /etc/read_device
  • Improved exceptions. Use standard ones more, and write sensible messages
  • When in debug, queue stack traces so they don't overlap
  • Make separation of Config and its subclasses clearer. There's some code that needs moved
  • SQL queries in command.meters is bad. Fix This.


To build your very own source package (and upload it to a package index), simply:

[leason@vortis read_device]$ python sdist register upload

The Small Print

Author: Lewis Eason Copyright 2015 University of Edinburgh.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see [].

Each file within this program containing the following message:

Copyright 2015 University of Edinburgh

is part of the read-device project.

A copy of the GNU General Public License can be found in COPYING