Reolink IP NVR/camera API

Reolink, API, camera, NVR, CCTV, Home-Assistant, Home, Assistant, Smart
pip install reolink-ip==0.0.1


Reolink IP NVR/cameras API package

Current version

The reolink_ip Python package allows you to integrate your Reolink devices (NVR/cameras) in your application.


This is a package implementing Reolink IP NVR and camera API. Also it’s providing a way to subscribe to Reolink ONVIF SWN events, so that real-time events can be received on a webhook.


  • Python 3.9


pip3 install reolink-ip

or manually:

git clone
cd reolink_ip/
pip3 install .


# Create a host-object (representing either a camera, or NVR with several channels)
host = api.Host('', 80, 'user', 'mypassword')

# Obtain/cache NVR or camera settings and capabilities, like model name, ports, HDD size, etc:
await host.get_host_data()

# Get the subscribtion port and host-device name:
subscribtion_port =  host.onvif_port
name = host.nvr_name

# Obtain/cache states of features:
await host.get_states()

# Print some state value on the channel with index 0:

# Enable the infrared lights on the channel with index 1:
await host.set_ir_lights(1, True)

# Enable the spotlight on the channel with index 1:
await host.set_spotlight(1, True)

# Enable the siren on the channel with index 0:
await host.set_siren(0, True)

# Now subscribe to events, suppose our webhook url is
await host.subscribe('')

# After some minutes check the renew timer (keep the eventing alive):
if (host.renewTimer <= 100):
    await host.renew()

# Unsubscribe
await host.unsubscribe()

# Logout
await host.logout()


This is an example of the usage of the API. In this case we want to retrive and print the Mac Address of the NVR.

from reolink_ip.api import Host
import asyncio

async def print_mac_address():
    # initialize the host
    host = Host('', 80, 'admin', 'admin1234')
    # connect and obtain/cache device settings and capabilities
    await host.get_host_data()
    # check if it is a camera or an NVR
    print("It is an NVR: %s, number of channels: %s", host.is_nvr, host.num_channels)
    # print mac address
    # close the device connection
    await host.logout()

if __name__ == "__main__":