Search and replace CLI tool for strings on the all system

pip install replacefs==1.0.14



Search and replace CLI tool for strings on the all system

The replacefs tool permits to perform massive and controlled string replacements in files over the all file system in an intuitive and pleasant way. You will be able to replace a defined string to another recursively from a path, or locally in a defined path or in a list of files.


With pip:
sudo pip3 install replacefs

With yay:
yay -a replace

With yaourt:
yaourt -a replace


python >= 3


replacefs [-h] [-l] [-r] [-s] [-a] [-c]
        [--initial_string INITIAL_STRING]
        [--destination_string DESTINATION_STRING]
        [--directory_path FOLDER_PATH]
        [--file_paths_list FILE_PATH_01 FILE_PATH_02 ...]
        [--filename_must_end_by END_STRING_01 END_STRING_02 ...]
        [--no_ask_confirmation] [--case_insensitive ]
        [--extension_filter] [--all_extensions]
        [--add_excluded_extensions END_STRING_01 END_STRING_02 ...]
        [--add_excluded_strings STRING_01 STRING_02 ...]
        [--excluded_paths EXCLUDED_PATH_01 EXCLUDED_PATH_01 ...]
        [--binary_exclusion] [--binary_accepted]
        [--symlink_exclusion] [--symlink_accepted] [--end_param]
        -h, --help        show this help message and exit
        -l        perform local replacement in FOLDER_PATH. Enabled by default
        -r        perform recursive replacement from FOLDER_PATH
        -s        perform specific replacement on FILE_PATH_01 FILE_PATH_02 given by --list_files_paths_to_apply
        -a, --ask_confirmation, --ask        ask for confirmation to perform replacement at any INITIAL_STRING occurrence. Enabled by default
        -c, --case_sensitive, --case_respect        respect case when searching for occurrences. Enabled by default
        --initial_string, --initial, --init INITIAL_STRING        precise the string to search and replace
        --destination_string, --destination, --dest DESTINATION_STRING        precise the string to replace the INITIAL_STRING strings found
        --directory_path, --dirpath, --path FOLDER_PATH        precise the path of the directory to perform the replacement from
        --file_paths_list, --file_paths FILE_PATH_01 FILE_PATH_02 ...        precise the list of file paths to perform the replacement on
        --filename_must_end_by, --end_by END_STRING_01 END_STRING_02 ...        precise the list of acceptable end string to filter the files regarding their end names
        --no_ask_confirmation, --no_ask        enable no asking mode. Perform replacement without asking confirmation
        --case_insensitive, --no_case_respect        enable case insensitive. Search for INITIAL_STRING string in insensitive case mode
        --extension_filter, --no_all_extensions        enable blacklist extension filter. The blacklist extension owns more than 60 audio, image and video extensions such as "mp3", "jpg" or "mp4". This mode is enabled by default
        --all_extensions, --no_extension_filter        disable blacklist extension filter.
        --add_excluded_extensions, --filter_extensions END_STRING_01 END_STRING_02 ...        precise the unacceptable end strings to filter the files regarding their end names
        --add_excluded_strings, --filter_strings STRING_01 STRING_02 ...        precise the unacceptable strings to filter the files regarding their names
        --excluded_paths EXCLUDED_PATH_01 EXCLUDED_PATH_01        precise the paths to exclude when searching for the INITIAL_STRING in the file system
        --binary_exclusion, --no_binary        refuse binary files. Enabled by default
        --binary_accepted, --no_binary_exclusion, --binary        accept binary files
        --symlink_accepted, --no_symlink_exclusion, --symlink        refuse symlinks. Enabled by default
        --symlink_exclusion, --no_symlink        accept symlinks
        -end_param, --end        precise the end of a parameter enumeration


for help:

rp -h
replacefs --help

local replace "titi" occurrences to "toto" in current directory:

rp -l titi toto .

recursive replace from the child directory "test":

replacefs -r titi toto test

specific replace in the files "test01" "test/test02":

replacefs -s titi toto test01 test/test02

Black list extensions

All the extensions by default in the blacklist:
"mp3", "MP3", "wav", "WAV", "m4a", "M4A", "aac", "AAC", "mp1", "MP1", "mp2", "MP2", "mpg", "MPG", "flac", "FLAC", "jpg", "JPG", "jpeg", "JPEG", "png", "PNG", "tif", "TIF", "gif", "GIF", "bmp", "BMP", "pjpeg", "PJPEG", "mp4", "MP4", "mpeg", "MPEG", "avi", "AVI", "wma", "WMA", "ogg", "OGG", "quicktime", "QUICKTIME", "webm", "WEBM", "mp2t", "MP2T", "flv", "FLV", "mov", "MOV", "webm", "WEBM", "mkv", "MKV", "class", "CLASS"

use --all_extensions or --no_extension_filter to disable blacklist extension filter. use --add_excluded_extensions or --filter_extensions to add some more


Some useful bash functions with replace:

function replace {
#ex:  replace titi toto


	if [ "$nb_param" -lt 2 ]; then
		echo -e "\n\t$WARNING needs at least 2 strings arguments such as:\n\t\treplace titi toto"
	elif [ "$nb_param" -eq 2 ]; then
		rp -l "$@" .
	elif [ "$nb_param" -eq 3 ]; then
		rp -l "$@"
	elif [ "$nb_param" -gt 3 ]; then
		echo -e "$WARNING specific mode replace"
		rp -s "$@"

function rplocal { replace $@; }

function rprecursive {
#ex:  rprecursive titi toto


	if [ "$nb_param" -lt 2 ]; then
		echo -e "\n\t$WARNING needs at least 2 strings arguments such as:\n\t\treplace titi toto"
	elif [ "$nb_param" -eq 2 ]; then
		rp -r "$@" .
	elif [ "$nb_param" -eq 3 ]; then
		rp -r "$@"
		echo -e "\n\t$WARNING at  most 3 arguments ..."

function rpcaseinsensitive {
#ex:  rpcaseinsensitive titi toto


	if [ "$nb_param" -lt 2 ]; then
		echo -e "\n\t$WARNING needs at least 2 strings arguments such as:\n\t\treplace titi toto"
	elif [ "$nb_param" -eq 2 ]; then
		rp --case_insensitive -l "$@" .
	elif [ "$nb_param" -eq 3 ]; then
		rp --case_insensitive -l "$@"
	elif [ "$nb_param" -gt 3 ]; then
		echo -e "$WARNING specific mode replace"
		rp --case_insensitive -s "$@"

function rpcaseinsensitivelocal { rpcaseinsensitive $@ ; }

function rprecursivecaseinsensitive {
	#ex:  rprecursivecaseinsensitive titi toto


		if [ "$nb_param" -lt 2 ]; then
			echo -e "\n\t$WARNING needs at least 2 strings arguments such as:\n\t\treplace titi toto"
		elif [ "$nb_param" -eq 2 ]; then
			rp --case_insensitive -r "$@" .
		elif [ "$nb_param" -eq 3 ]; then
			rp --case_insensitive -r "$@"
			echo -e "\n\t$WARNING at  most 3 arguments ..."