
Parser and scheduler for syncing a markdown(ish) todo list with google calendar.

pip install reschedule==0.1.1



PyPI version


I want to keep track of all my todos in a plain text file but also automatically schedule my todos on my google calendar. When I write my todos in a todo list I often fail to allocate time for them in my calendar. When I look at my week I feel like I have tons of free time but in reality I have a full day of work to do. As an example this is what my week looks like without todos vs. with todos (in orange).

Example week with todos and without todos

This program automatically parses todos from a markdown file and schedules them on a google calendar.

- [ ] task name est:10m due:2020-03-20 id:1f2a4b


Using python >3.6

pip install reschedule

Now you can reschedule your todos by running reschedule from the command line. The first time you run reschedule you'll be prompted to authorize with google and a config file will be created for you at ~/.cache/reschedule/config.json.


  "work_start_time": "08:00",
  "work_end_time": "18:00",
  "task_file_path": "~/",
  "task_calendar_name": "Reschedule Tasks",
  "chunk_size": 15,
  "default_est": "30m"
  • work_start_time: the earliest a task will be scheduled to start in %H:%M format. (i.e. military time such as 08:30 or 23:00)
  • work_end_time: the latest a task will be scheduled to end in %H:%M format. (i.e. military time such as 08:30 or 23:00)
  • task_file_path: the absolute path to your markdown file of tasks
  • task_calendar_name: the name of the google calendar this program will create to store your tasks. Must be unique from an existing calendar.
  • chunk_size: the minimum length of an event. 15 is a good default to keep your day from becoming too fragmented.
  • default_est: the default time estimate for a task

Task File Format

Task are written using markdown task-list format. To create a task use a new line with - [ ]. To mark a task as complete use - [x]. Metadata is attached to tasks using a key:value syntax. The key and the value cannot contain spaces or :. I call an instance of a key:value pair a tag, for instance an id tag is a key:value pair with a key of id. Every task needs a unique id tag for example id:1aab7d. Tasks can have an est tag which contains a time estimate written as 30m or 1h for 30 minutes or 1 hour respectively. Any number followed by m or h is acceptable as a value for the est tag. Finally tasks can have a due tag which contains a due-date formatted as YYYY-MM-dd.

<!-- A task with an estimate of 30 minutes, due March 6, 2020, with id 16cfe6 -->

- [ ] What you want to do est:30m due:2020-03-06 id:16cfe6

VSCode Snippets

I use the following user defined VSCode Markdown Snippets to create my tasks.

  // add a new task
  "task": {
    "prefix": "//task",
    "body": [
      "- [ ] ${1:What do you want to do?} est:${2:30m} id:$RANDOM_HEX"
  // add a due date to a task
  "due": {
    "prefix": "//due",
    "body": "due:${1:$CURRENT_YEAR}-${2:$CURRENT_MONTH}-${3:$CURRENT_DATE}"
  // create a random variable
  "random": {
    "prefix": "//random",
    "body": "$RANDOM_HEX"