Tested against Windows / Python 3.11 / Anaconda
from rgsucher import rg_search
import numpy as np
# searching in a folder
wholeregex = r"\d+"
imagefile = r"C:\Users\hansc\Documents\fubax\Disable-IPv6\common" # folder
server_ip = rg_search (
regex = wholeregex ,
file_or_folder = imagefile ,
rgexe = r"C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\rg.exe" ,
binary = True ,
multiline_dotall = False ,
multiline = False ,
ignore_case = False ,
invert_match = False ,
case_sensitive = False ,
crlf = False ,
word_regexp = False ,
fixed_strings = False ,
# searching in a file
allregex = [
r"""\s*<string name=\"server_ip\">\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{3}</string>""" ,
r"""\s*<string name=\"Defaultserver\">\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{3}</string>""" ,
r"""\s*<string name=\"server_port\">\d{5}</string>""" ,
r"""\s*<int name=\"Defaultport\" value=\"\d{5}\" />""" ,
wholeregex = r"(?:(?:" + ")|(?:" .join (allregex ) + "))"
imagefile = r"C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks_nxt\Engine\Rvc64_42\Data.vhdx" #file
server_ip = rg_search (
regex = wholeregex ,
file_or_folder = imagefile ,
rgexe = r"C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\rg.exe" ,
binary = True ,
multiline_dotall = False ,
multiline = False ,
ignore_case = False ,
invert_match = False ,
case_sensitive = False ,
crlf = False ,
word_regexp = False ,
fixed_strings = False ,
add_to_cmd = "" ,
# replacing the matches using numpy
import re
print (server_ip )
myip = ""
myport = "55164"
with open (imagefile , "rb" ) as f :
imagedata = f .read ()
nparray = np .frombuffer (imagedata , dtype = np .uint8 ).copy ()
for k , v in server_ip .items ():
for submatch in v ["submatches" ]:
print (submatch )
original = submatch [0 ]
new = re .sub (r">\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{3}.\d{3}<" , rf">{ myip } <" , original )
new = re .sub (r">\d{4,5}<" , rf">{ myport } <" , new )
if len (new ) > len (original ):
new = new [1 :]
new = re .sub (r'"\d{4,5}"' , rf'"{ myport } "' , new )
if len (new ) > len (original ):
new = new [1 :]
print (new , original )
replacem = new .encode ()
replacemint = list (replacem )
coun = 0
for i in range (submatch [1 ], submatch [2 ]):
nparray [i ] = replacemint [coun ]
coun += 1
with open (imagefile , "wb" ) as f :
f .write (nparray .tobytes ())