
Manage rich themes for CLI applications

rich, cli
pip install rich-theme-manager==0.2.0


Rich Theme Manager


Implements a basic "theme manager" class for managing rich Themes in your rich CLI application.

The rich package provides an easy way to define custom styles and themes for use with rich. This package provides a simple way to manage the themes: e.g. to list, add, remove themes, for the user to preview themes, and to manage themes on disk.

What problem does this solve?

Consider this scenario from the rich documentation:

If you re-use styles it can be a maintenance headache if you ever want to modify an attribute or color – you would have to change every line where the style is used. Rich provides a Theme class which you can use to define custom styles that you can refer to by name. That way you only need to update your styles in one place.

Style themes can make your code more semantic, for instance a style called "warning" better expresses intent that "italic magenta underline".

To use a style theme, construct a Theme instance and pass it to the Console constructor. Here’s an example:

from rich.console import Console
from rich.theme import Theme
custom_theme = Theme({
    "info": "dim cyan",
    "warning": "magenta",
    "danger": "bold red"
console = Console(theme=custom_theme)
console.print("This is information", style="info")
console.print("[warning]The pod bay doors are locked[/warning]")
console.print("Something terrible happened!", style="danger")

I highly recommend the use of Themes in your rich application instead of hard-coding colors and styles. However, there's still a problem of managing themes. For example, letting the user of your application change the default theme styles you've chosen. What if they are color blind and can't distinguish the colors you've selected? What if they're using a light terminal background and you've selected colors best suited for a dark terminal?

The rich Theme class provides everything you to manage these situations but doing so requires a fair amount of boiler plate code for each application. This package attempts to provide an easy solution for these scenarios with a minimal amount of code. Instead of having to implement management of theme files and allowing the user to list or preview themes yourself, you can use the ThemeManager class to manage themes for you.


Using rich_theme_manager is easy and takes just a few lines of code. Import Theme from rich_theme_manager instead of from rich.theme (rich_theme_manager.Theme subclasses rich.theme.Theme) then use ThemeManager to manage themes. ThemeManager can be created with or without a theme_dir argument. If you don't provide theme_dir, ThemeManager will not manage themes on disk. This may still be useful for allowing the user to list and preview themes. If you do provide theme_dir, any default themes passed to ThemeManager will be written to theme_dir and any theme config files found in theme_dir will be loaded.

from rich.console import Console
from import Style
import pathlib

from rich_theme_manager import Theme, ThemeManager

        description="Dark mode theme",
            "info": "dim cyan",
            "warning": "bold magenta",
            "danger": "bold red",
        description="Light mode theme",
            "info": Style(color="#22863a", bold=True),
            "warning": Style(color="#032f62", bold=True),
            "danger": Style(color="#b31d28", bold=True, underline=True, italic=True),
        description="Monochromatic theme",
        tags=["mono", "colorblind"],
            "info": "italic",
            "warning": "bold",
            "danger": "reverse bold",

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # you can specify a config directory to save/load themes to/from
    theme_dir = pathlib.Path("~/.rich_theme_manager/themes").expanduser()
    theme_dir.expanduser().mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    theme_manager = ThemeManager(theme_dir=theme_dir, themes=THEMES)

    dark = theme_manager.get("dark")
    console = Console(theme=dark)

    console.print("This is information", style="info")
    console.print("[warning]The pod bay doors are locked[/warning]")
    console.print("Something terrible happened!", style="danger")

Example output

Example app

A simple example app that demonstrates the ThemeManager class comes with rich_theme_manager in

python -m rich_theme_manager:

usage: rich_theme_manager [-h] [--example [EXAMPLE]] [--list] [--preview THEME] [--config THEME]

Example CLI usage of rich_theme_manager

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --example [EXAMPLE]  Show example output for theme.
  --list               List themes.
  --preview THEME      Preview theme.
  --config THEME       Print configuration for theme THEME.

python -m rich_theme_manager --list:

Example --list output

python -m rich_theme_manager --preview dark:

Example --preview output


Theme class

rich_theme_manager.Theme is a subclass of rich.theme.Theme and provides additional functionality for managing themes.

          name: str,
          description: Optional[str] = None,
          styles: Optional[Mapping[str, StyleType]] = None,
          inherit: bool = True,
          tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
          path: Optional[str] = None,


  • name: The name of the theme; required
  • description: An optional description of the theme.
  • styles: An optional mapping of style names to styles.
  • inherit: Whether the theme inherits from the default theme.
  • tags: An optional list of tags for the theme; useful for allowing user to filter themes.
  • path: The path to the theme file; in normal use this is not needed as ThemeManager will automatically create the theme file.


  • Theme().name: The name of the theme
  • Theme().description: Description of the theme
  • Theme().tags: List of tags for the theme
  • Theme().inherit: bool indicating whether the theme inherits from the default theme
  • Theme().style_names: List of names for styles in the theme
  • Theme().path: The path to the theme file; (getter/setter)
  • Theme().config: Contents of a configuration file for the theme (same format as rich.theme.Theme().config but with an additional [metadata] section)


  • Theme().save(): Save the theme to disk (to Theme().path)
  • Theme().load(): Load the theme from disk (from Theme().path)
  • Theme().to_file(path: str): Save the theme to disk (to path)
  • Theme().update(other: Theme, overwrite_existing_styles: bool = True): Update the theme with the values from another theme, optionally overwriting existing styles.

Class Methods:

  • Theme.from_file(config_file: IO[str], source: Optional[str] = None, inherit: bool = True) -> Theme: Load a theme from a text mode configuration file (in configparser INI format).
  • str, inherit: bool = True) -> Theme: Load a theme from disk (from path)

The .theme INI file format looks like this:

name = dark
description = Dark mode theme
tags = dark
inherit = True

danger = bold red
info = dim cyan
warning = bold magenta

Here's an real world example of a theme INI file from one of my apps:

name = dark
description = Dark mode theme
tags = dark
inherit = True

bar.back = rgb(68,71,90)
bar.complete = rgb(249,38,114)
bar.finished = rgb(80,250,123)
bar.pulse = rgb(98,114,164)
color = rgb(248,248,242)
count = rgb(139,233,253)
error = bold rgb(255,85,85)
filename = bold rgb(189,147,249)
filepath = bold rgb(80,250,123)
highlight = bold #000000 on #d73a49
num = bold rgb(139,233,253)
progress.elapsed = rgb(139,233,253)
progress.percentage = rgb(255,121,198)
progress.remaining = rgb(139,233,253)
time = bold rgb(139,233,253)
uuid = rgb(255,184,108)
warning = bold rgb(241,250,140)

Theme implements the rich Console protocol which means that you use rich.print() and rich.console.Console().print() to print a theme to the console. Doing so results in a preview of the theme which visually shows the colors and styles used in the theme.

Theme preview

The Theme preview will use default sample text for each style. You can change the sample text by setting the rich_theme_manager.theme.SAMPLE_TEXT global variable.

Theme preview with sample text

Theme implements the __eq__ method so two Theme instances can be easily compared for equality. Theme instances are considered equal if all properties with exception of path are equal.

ThemeManager class

        theme_dir: Optional[str] = None,
        themes: Optional[List[Theme]] = None,
        overwrite: bool = False,
        update: bool = False,


  • theme_dir: Optional directory to save/load themes to/from.
  • themes: Optional list of Theme objects
  • overwrite: overwrite existing theme files
  • update: update existing theme files with new styles from themes but don't replace existing styles

If provided, theme_dir must exist. If theme_dir is set (for example, using click.get_app_dir), upon initialization ThemeManager will save any default themes provided via themes to theme_dir and load any themes from theme_dir. Theme files are standard INI files as created by configparser and are named <name>.theme where <name> is the name of the Theme (see If a theme file already exists, it will be loaded and ThemeManager will not overwrite it unless overwrite=True. If update=True, any new styles defined in themes will be added to the theme file but existing styles will not be replaced. If tags and description of themes are different and update=True, those items will also be updated in the theme file. This allows you to add new styles to an existing theme in future app updates without overriding changes made by the user to theme styles.


  • ThemeManager().themes: List of themes


  • ThemeManager().add(theme: Theme, overwrite=False) -> None: Add a theme to the list of managed themes. If overwrite is True, the theme file will be overwritten if it already exists.

  • ThemeManager().remove(theme: Theme) -> None: Remove a theme from the list of managed themes and delete the theme file if it exists.

  • ThemeManager().get(theme_name: str) -> Theme: Get a theme by name. Raises 'ValueError` if no theme with the given name is found.

  • ThemeManager().load_themes(theme_dir=None) -> None: Load themes from theme_dir (or ThemeManager().theme_dir if not provided). Any .theme files found in theme_dir will be loaded and added to the list of managed themes.

  • ThemeManager().write_themes(overwrite=False) -> None: Write themes to file (as specified in each Theme().path which will be set automatically by ThemeManager). If overwrite is True, the theme file will be overwritten if it already exists.

  • ThemeManager().list_themes(show_path: bool = True, theme_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, console: Optional[Console] = None) -> None: Print a list of themes to the console. If show_path is True, the path to the theme file will be printed. If theme_names is provided, only themes with names in the list will be printed. An optional rich.console.Console() instance may be provided to print to a specific console.

ThemeManager list example

Class Methods:

  • ThemeManager.preview_theme(theme: Theme, sample_text: Optional[str] = None, show_path: bool = True, console: Optional[Console] = None) -> None: Print a preview of the theme to the console showing the style of each style in the theme. If sample_text is provided, it will be used as the sample text to preview otherwise a default string will be used. If show_path is True, the path to the theme file will be printed. An optional rich.console.Console() instance may be provided to print to a specific console.

ThemeManager preview example

Test Coverage

100% coverage of all code with exception of the example CLI app.

---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.8.12-final-0 ----------
Name                             Stmts   Miss  Cover
rich_theme_manager/       5      0   100%
rich_theme_manager/       73      0   100%
rich_theme_manager/        155      0   100%
TOTAL                              233      0   100%


MIT License


Contributions of all kinds are welcome! Please submit pull requests, issues, and/or suggestions to the github repo.


Thank you to Will McGugan for creating rich and helping to make our command line interfaces more beautiful!

Projects Using Rich Theme Manager

  • osxphotos: Python app to export pictures and associated metadata from Apple Photos on macOS. Also includes a package to provide programmatic access to the Photos library, pictures, and metadata.