
A hacky project that lets you import repls from https://repl.it into your project

installer, package-manager, python3, repl
pip install rimp==0.0.1



A hacky project that lets you import repls from https://repl.it into your project

How to install

pip install rimp

Wow, that was easy wasn't it?

How to use

There's only 1 command you'll need to know how to use, load_repl.

load_repl(name: str, project: str, force_reinstall: bool=False, verbose: bool=True):

name: The name of the repl.it user you're installing from (eg. https://repl.it/@21natzil/Permissions)

project: The name of the repl you're installing (eg. https://repl.it/@21natzil/Permissions)

force_reinstall: If True, rimp will install the repl again, even if it's already downloaded

verbose: If False, it will not print anything to stdout with installation information

It's advised you checkout the test.py file for examples of this being used. PLEASE NOTE, you can only import repls with a proper setup.py file. If you want an example on the most minimal setup.py file you can make:

  • See this link if you only wish to make files importable
  • See this link if you wish to make a whole directory importable

From here, it's just a matter of figuring out what you must import, which depends on the repl you're installing and should look at those docs.

Things to note

  1. The name option in the setup.py is required but can be anything
  2. Downloading huge repls is slow, but only needs to be done once, so only set force_reinstall to True when necessary.
  3. I have not tested on Mac, however it should work on Windows + Linux
  4. This project installs repls to a .rimp file in the current working directory.

Change Log

0.0.0 - Project Creation