Tool to manage development environments for web applications using containers - Library Package

pip install riptide-lib==0.6.1



Main packages: Container-Backends: Database Drivers: Plugins: Related Projects:

lib engine_docker db_mysql php_xdebug configcrunch




More: docs repo docker_images

Documentation Status Version Downloads License (MIT) Supported Python versions

Riptide is a set of tools to manage development environments for web applications. It's using container virtualization tools, such as Docker to run all services needed for a project.

It's goal is to be easy to use by developers. Riptide abstracts the virtualization in such a way that the environment behaves exactly as if you were running it natively, without the need to install any other requirements the project may have.

Library Package

This repository contains the library with common code for the Riptide CLI and the Riptide Proxy. Most notably it contains the interfaces for engine implementations and database drivers and classes for all of the configuration entities (Apps, Projects, Services, Commands...).

It can be installed via pip by installing riptide-lib.


Inside the riptide.tests package are unit tests for the library and integration tests. The integration tests require you to install at least one engine implementation (eg. riptide-engine-docker). The integration tests test the Riptide Library itself and the specific engine implementations.

To run the tests, see


The complete documentation for Riptide can be found at Read the Docs.