
Imports robot result(s) to IBM Rational Quality Manager (RQM)

pip install robotframework-robotlog2rqm==1.2.0


RobotLog2RQM Description

The Python package RobotLog2RQM provides ability to import Robot Framework test result as *.xml format file(s) to IBM® Rational® Quality Manager (RQM) for test management.

RobotLog2RQM tool helps to:

  • Create all required resources (Test Case Excution Record, Test Case Execution Result, ...) for new testcase on RQM.
  • Link all testcases to provided testplan.
  • Add new test result for existing testcase on RQM.
  • Update existing testcase on RQM.

RobotLog2RQM tool is operating system independent and only works with Python 3.

How to install

RobotLog2RQM can be installed in two different ways.

  1. Installation via PyPi (recommended for users)

    pip install RobotLog2RQM

    RobotLog2RQM in PyPi

  2. Installation via GitHub (recommended for developers)

    • Clone the robotframework-robotlog2rqm repository to your machine.

      git clone

      RobotLog2RQM in GitHub

    • Install dependencies

      RobotLog2RQM requires some additional Python libraries. Before you install the cloned repository sources you have to install the dependencies manually. The names of all related packages you can find in the file requirements.txt in the repository root folder. Use pip to install them:

      pip install -r ./requirements.txt

      Additionally install LaTeX (recommended: TeX Live). This is used to render the documentation.

    • Configure dependencies

      The installation of RobotLog2RQM includes to generate the documentation in PDF format. This is done by an application called GenPackageDoc, that is part of the installation dependencies (see requirements.txt).

      GenPackageDoc uses LaTeX to generate the documentation in PDF format. Therefore GenPackageDoc needs to know where to find LaTeX. This is defined in the GenPackageDoc configuration file


      Before you start the installation you have to introduce the following environment variable, that is used in packagedoc_config.json:

      • GENDOC_LATEXPATH : path to pdflatex executable
    • Use the following command to install RobotLog2RQM:

      python install

After succesful installation, the executable file RobotLog2RQM will be available (under Scripts folder of Python on Windows and ~/.local/bin/ folder on Linux).

In case above location is added to PATH environment variable then you can run it directly as operation system's command.

How to use

RobotLog2RQM tool requires the Robot Framework output.xml result file(s) which will be imported, RQM information(e.g. host url, project, ...) and user credential(user name and password) to interact with RQM resources.

Use below command to get tools's usage:

RobotLog2RQM -h

The usage should be showed as below:

usage: RobotLog2RQM (RobotXMLResult to RQM importer) [-h] [-v] [--recursive]
                    [--createmissing] [--updatetestcase] [--dryrun]
                    resultxmlfile host project user password testplan

RobotLog2RQM imports XML result files (default: output.xml) generated by the
Robot Framework into an IBM Rational Quality Manager.

positional arguments:
resultxmlfile     absolute or relative path to the xml result file
                  or directory of result files to be imported.
host              RQM host url.
project           project on RQM.
user              user for RQM login.
password          password for RQM login.
testplan          testplan ID for this execution.

optional arguments:
-h, --help        show this help message and exit
-v, --version     Version of the RobotLog2RQM importer.
--recursive       if set, then the path is searched recursively for
                  log files to be imported.
--createmissing   if set, then all testcases without tcid are created
                  when importing.
--updatetestcase  if set, then testcase information on RQM will be updated
                  bases on robot testfile.
--dryrun          if set, then verify all input arguments
                  (includes RQM authentication) and show what would be done.

The below command is simple usage witth all required arguments to import Robot Framework results into RQM:

RobotLog2RQM <outputfile> <host> <project> <user> <password> <testplan>

Besides the executable file, you can also run tool as a Python module

python -m RobotLog2RQM <outputfile> <host> <project> <user> <password> <testplan>


In order the import the Robot result(s) to RQM, we need the output.xml result file.

So, firstly execute the Robot testcase(s) to get the output.xml result file.

Sample Robot testcase which contains neccessary information for importing into RQM:

*** Settings ***
Metadata   project      ROBFW             # Test Environment
Metadata   version_sw   SW_VERSION_0.1    # Build Record
Metadata   component    Import_Tools      # Component - is used for test case
Metadata   machine      %{COMPUTERNAME}   # Hostname
Metadata   team-area    Internet Team RQM  # team-area (case-sensitive)

*** Test Cases ***
Testcase 01
   [Documentation]   This test is traceable with provided tcid
   [Tags]   TCID-1001   FID-112   FID-111    robotfile-
   Log      This is Testcase 01

Testcase 02
   [Documentation]  This new testcase will be created if --createmissing argument
               ...  is provided when importing
   [Tags]   FID-113  robotfile-
   Log      This is Testcase 02

After getting output.xml result file, use below command to import that result file into testplan ID 720 of ROBFW-AIO project which is hosted at

RobotLog2RQM output.xml ROBFW-AIO test_user test_pw 720

Then, open RQM with your favourite browser and you will see that the test case execution records and their results are imported in the given testplan ID.

Sourcecode Documentation

To understand more detail about the tool's features and how Robot test cases and their results are reflected on RQM, please refer to RobotLog2RQM tool's Documentation.


To give us a feedback, you can send an email to Thomas Pollerspöck.

In case you want to report a bug or request any interesting feature, please don't hesitate to raise a ticket.


Thomas Pollerspöck

Tran Duy Ngoan


Nguyen Huynh Tri Cuong

Mai Dinh Nam Son

Tran Hoang Nguyen

Holger Queckenstedt


Copyright 2020-2024 Robert Bosch GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

License: Apache v2

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.