
Functionality to manage RobotFramework testsuites

pip install robotframework-testsuitesmanagement==0.5.1


Package Description

The RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement enables users to define dynamic configuration values within separate configuration files in JSON format.

These configuration values are available during test execution - but under certain conditions that can be defined by the user (e.g. to realize a variant handling). This means: Not all parameter values are available during test execution - only the ones that belong to the current test scenario.

To realize this, the RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement provides the following features:

  • Split all possible configuration values into several JSON configuration files, with every configuration file contains a specific set of values for configuration parameter
  • Use nested imports of JSON configuration files
  • Follow up definitions in configuration files overwrite previous definitions (of the same parameter)
  • Select between several criteria to let the Robot Framework use a certain JSON configuration file

How to install

The RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement can be installed in two different ways.

  1. Installation via PyPi (recommended for users)

    pip install RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement

    RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement in PyPi

  2. Installation via GitHub (recommended for developers)

    • Clone the RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement repository to your machine

      git clone

      RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement in GitHub

    • Install dependencies

      RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement requires some additional Python libraries. Before you install the cloned repository sources you have to install the dependencies manually. The names of all related packages you can find in the file requirements.txt in the repository root folder. Use pip to install them:

      pip install -r requirements.txt

      Additionally install LaTeX (recommended: TeX Live). This is used to render the documentation.

    • Configure dependencies

      The installation of RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement includes to generate the documentation in PDF format. This is done by an application called GenPackageDoc, that is part of the installation dependencies (see requirements.txt).

      GenPackageDoc uses LaTeX to generate the documentation in PDF format. Therefore GenPackageDoc needs to know where to find LaTeX. This is defined in the GenPackageDoc configuration file


      Before you start the installation you have to introduce the following environment variable, that is used in packagedoc_config.json:

      • GENDOC_LATEXPATH : path to pdflatex executable
    • Use the following command to install RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement: install

Package Documentation

A detailed documentation of the RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement can be found here: RobotFramework_TestsuitesManagement.pdf

For self-study also a tutorial is available containing lots of examples. Here you find the rendered tutorial documentation.


To give us a feedback, you can send an email to Thomas Pollerspöck or RBVH-ECM-Automation_Test_Framework-Associates



Thomas Pollerspöck


Mai Dinh Nam Son

Tran Duy Ngoan

Nguyen Huynh Tri Cuong

Tran Hoang Nguyen

Holger Queckenstedt


Copyright 2020-2023 Robert Bosch GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.