
A library of generic tools for ETL work and visualization of JSON blobs and python repositories

ETL, blob, dependency, graph, svg, networkx, transform, code, metrics, diagram, build, system, json-blobs, visualization
pip install rolling-pin==0.6.4


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Rolling-pin is a library of generic tools for ETL work and visualization of JSON blobs and python repositories

See documentation for details.

On the documentation main page, under the Architecture section, is a dynamically generated dependency graph of rolling-pin's current architecture. It is generated using the RepoETL class.

If you look under the Metrics section you will find Radon code metric plots and data of the rolling-pin source code, generated by the RadonETL class.

Also have a look at this Jupyter notebook demo for a taste of what rolling-pin can do.



pip install rolling-pin


  1. Install docker-desktop
  2. docker pull thenewflesh/rolling-pin:latest

Docker For Developers

  1. Install docker-desktop
  2. Ensure docker-desktop has at least 4 GB of memory allocated to it.
  3. git clone
  4. cd rolling-pin
  5. chmod +x bin/rolling-pin
  6. bin/rolling-pin docker-start

The service should take a few minutes to start up.

Run bin/rolling-pin --help for more help on the command line tool.

Production CLI

Rolling-pin comes with a command line interface defined in

Its usage pattern is: rolling-pin COMMAND [ARGS] [FLAGS] [-h --help]



Prints BASH completion code to be written to a _rolling-pin completion file

Usage: rolling-pin bash-completion


Prints ZSH completion code to be written to a _rolling-pin completion file

Usage: rolling-pin zsh-completion


Copies source files to target filepaths according to given conform file.

Usage: rolling-pin conform [OPTIONS] SOURCE

Argument Description
source conform YAML filepath
Flag Argument Description Default
--groups text comma separated list of groups to be conformed all
--dryrun - Print out conform table instead of run conform -
--help - print help message -


Generate a dependency graph of a source repository and write it to a given filepath

Usage: rolling-pin graph [OPTIONS] SOURCE TARGET

Argument Description
source repository path
target target filepath
Flag Argument Description Default
--include text include files that match this regex pattern .*.py$'
--exclude text exclude files that match this regex pattern test
--orient text graph orientation lr
--help - print help message -


Write radon metrics plots of given repository to given filepath.

Usage: rolling-pin plot [OPTIONS] SOURCE TARGET

Argument Description
source repository path
target plot filepath
Flag Description
--help print help message


Write radon metrics tables of given repository to given directory.

Usage: rolling-pin table [OPTIONS] SOURCE TARGET

Argument Description
source repository path
target table directory
Flag Description
--help print help message


Generate a copy of a given TOML file with given edits indicated by flags. Flags are evalauted in the following order: edit, delete, search. Flags may be arbitrarily combined. Edit and delete flags may appear multiple times.

Usage: rolling-pin toml [OPTIONS] SOURCE

Argument Description
source TOML filepath
Flag Argument Description
--edit text replace key's value with given value, text is "=" separated key value pair in TOML format
--delete text delete keys that match this regular expression
--search text search for keys that match this regular expression
--target text target filepath to write to
--help - print help message

Example Usage

example file

>>>cat example.toml
a = 1
b = 2

x = "y"

hello = true

edit flag

>>>rolling-pin toml foobar.toml --edit 'root.a=999'
a = 999
b = 2...

>>>rolling-pin toml foobar.toml \
        --edit 'root.a=[1, 2]'   \
        --edit 'root.b="xxx"'
a = [
b = "xxx"...

>>>rolling-pin toml foobar.toml --edit '"baz"'
hello = true

bar = "baz"...

delete flag

>>>rolling-pin toml foobar.toml \
        --delete ''  \
        --delete 'root.a'
b = 2

hello = true

search flag

>>>rolling-pin toml foobar.toml --search '|world'
hello = true

x = "y"

Development CLI

bin/rolling-pin is a command line interface (defined in that works with any version of python 2.7 and above, as it has no dependencies.

Its usage pattern is: bin/rolling-pin COMMAND [-a --args]=ARGS [-h --help] [--dryrun]


Command Description
build-package Build production version of repo for publishing
build-prod Publish pip package of repo to PyPi
build-publish Run production tests first then publish pip package of repo to PyPi
build-test Build test version of repo for prod testing
docker-build Build image of rolling-pin
docker-build-prod Build production image of rolling-pin
docker-container Display the Docker container id of rolling-pin
docker-destroy Shutdown rolling-pin container and destroy its image
docker-destroy-prod Shutdown rolling-pin production container and destroy its image
docker-image Display the Docker image id of rolling-pin
docker-prod Start rolling-pin production container
docker-push Push rolling-pin production image to Dockerhub
docker-remove Remove rolling-pin Docker image
docker-restart Restart rolling-pin container
docker-start Start rolling-pin container
docker-stop Stop rolling-pin container
docs Generate sphinx documentation
docs-architecture Generate architecture.svg diagram from all import statements
docs-full Generate documentation, coverage report, diagram and code
docs-metrics Generate code metrics report, plots and tables
library-add Add a given package to a given dependency group
library-graph-dev Graph dependencies in dev environment
library-graph-prod Graph dependencies in prod environment
library-install-dev Install all dependencies into dev environment
library-install-prod Install all dependencies into prod environment
library-list-dev List packages in dev environment
library-list-prod List packages in prod environment
library-lock-dev Resolve dev.lock file
library-lock-prod Resolve prod.lock file
library-remove Remove a given package from a given dependency group
library-search Search for pip packages
library-sync-dev Sync dev environment with packages listed in dev.lock
library-sync-prod Sync prod environment with packages listed in prod.lock
library-update Update dev dependencies
library-update-pdm Update PDM
session-lab Run jupyter lab server
session-python Run python session with dev dependencies
state State of rolling-pin
test-coverage Generate test coverage report
test-dev Run all tests
test-fast Test all code excepts tests marked with SKIP_SLOWS_TESTS decorator
test-lint Run linting and type checking
test-prod Run tests across all support python versions
version Full resolution of repo: dependencies, linting, tests, docs, etc
version-bump-major Bump pyproject major version
version-bump-minor Bump pyproject minor version
version-bump-patch Bump pyproject patch version
zsh Run ZSH session inside rolling-pin container
zsh-complete Generate oh-my-zsh completions
zsh-root Run ZSH session as root inside rolling-pin container


Short Long Description
-a --args Additional arguments, this can generally be ignored
-h --help Prints command help message to stdout
- --dryrun Prints command that would otherwise be run to stdout