
CLI Interface to rtorrent

pip install rtorsh==0.1.2




rtorsh is a command line application for controlling remote rtorrent servers over XMLRPC. Currently I have implemented the basic functionality, and have plans to expand the functionality to (hopefully) achieve near feature parity with ruTorrent. The goal is to create an easily bash-scriptable application to help automate tasks that aren't easy to do with ruTorrent.

The help built into rtorsh through the -h and --help options will be your best guide. There are some examples in the examples directory.

Please file bug and/or feature requests to help guide development efforts!


pip install rtorsh  # Or pip install -r rtorsh for full support.

You will need to setup your own ~/.rtorsh.conf. There is an example template available in the "examples" folder of this repository.


  • Python 3+ (tested with 3.4 currently, need to build a test suite for better coverage)
  • tabulate (for pretty-printing tables, not necessary if you don't use the --pretty option)

Optional Packages

  • paramiko (for SFTP support, if you need it)


  • List some attributes of torrents
  • Add Torrents
  • Start/Pause/Stop/Resume Torrents
  • Force Recheck
  • Check completion of torrents
  • Check ratio on a torrent
  • Check and change labels
  • Get current torrent location
  • Move torrents on the rtorrent server
  • Ability to download torrents through rtorsh over SFTP

Upcoming Features

  • Unit Testing
  • sync capabilities
  • FTP support for downloading files.

Planned Features

  • Plugin Support
  • Checking against an RSS feed.