A CLI to encourage (πŸ˜…) people to update their dependencies!

cicd, dependencies
pip install rubrical==0.0.8



CI codecov PyPI version

A CLI to encourage (πŸ˜…) people to update their dependencies!

raison d'etre

Scenario: A team publishes an update to a new library that needs to be adopted.
            (New feature, breaking changes, security fixes, etc)
  Given your company has a microservice architecture
          (or >3 repositories to update across >2 teams )
  Then you go to each team and beg/bargin/plead for them to update their packages

You can (should!) use tools like renovate to automate dependency updates. But it's easy to lose track of updates especially with particularly technologies (hi JS/TS!) or busy teams.

rubrical breaks the cycle by putting a check inside your CI/CD pipelines. (Golden pipelines or shared workflows are highly recommended!) Now teams have a tool to automatically (automagically!) communicated when a dependency needs to be upgraded!

For more information, checkout the documentation!


  • Set warning (notify users their dependency will be out of date soon) and block (exit with error code) levels.
  • Supports different languages (Python, Go, Node.js, and Jsonnet) and package manager formats (e.g. pip, poetry).
  • Post results to Github/GHE PRs.
