
A script for running docker container process without worrying about dead container issue

pip install rundocker==1.0.2



A script for running docker container process

The issue we are solving here

Since docker 0.6, you can actually run docker container like normal process

docker run --rm foobar

when you press Ctrl + C, docker client will proxy the INT signal for you to the docker container, as a result, container will be terminated. However, in many cases, docker container will not be closed correctly, even the docker client process is stopped. For example, when you tried to run a container with an used port, the run command will fail, however, somehow the docker container will not be removed, and it causes following run commands fail

2014/07/27 03:24:45 Error response from daemon: Cannot start container 08b25a41e30be78410a2556ffe01e720ff0d7bd512a53e8a44d7bceb8d3cf83e: Bind for failed: port is already allocated
2014/07/27 03:24:46 Error response from daemon: Conflict, The name foobar is already assigned to 08b25a41e30b. You have to delete (or rename) that container to be able to assign foobar to a container again.
2014/07/27 03:24:48 Error response from daemon: Conflict, The name foobar is already assigned to 08b25a41e30b. You have to delete (or rename) that container to be able to assign foobar to a container again.

There is an issue #7245 describes the problem. If new feature is added, I think we can drop the project then.


You can install it via

pip install rundocker

Since it only has one Python script file, you can actually copy the script to a file and make it executalbe.


Use rundocker to run docker with a name as you usually do

sudo rundocker --rm --name="foobar" eggs/spam

In many cases, containers are not removed correctly even the docker run process is already terminated. Then when you try to run container with the same name, it will keep telling you there is already one container with the same name. This is pretty annoying, and it breaks automatic deployment. To address the issue, you would probably like to add --force-rm argument. It will force to remove existing container with the same name even it is running before rundocker runs the new container. For example:

sudo rundocker --rm --force-rm --name="foobar" eggs/spam

How it works

The script looks into existing docker containers, if there is a dead container with the same name, it will remove it for you. However, if the existing container is still running, and error will be raised.

When the script receives INT signal, it will stop the container.