
Collection of scripts to manage data from Rushmore

pip install rushmore-tools==0.1.1


THREE60 Energy rushmore-tools

release Code style: black

The rushmore-tools package is a lightweight wrapper for accessing Rushmore Reviews, a prominent player in benchmarking data collection for upstream oil & gas activities.


The collection contains utilities:

  • RushmoreExtractor


Simple usage. E.g. to download all Rushmore Drilling Performance Review data available to your API key, simply:

from rushmore_tools import RushmoreExtractor

report = RushmoreExtractor($api_key).report("DPR")
resp = report.get()

Development environment

We use poetry to manage dependencies and to administrate virtual environments. To develop rushmore-tools, follow the following steps to set up your local environment:

  1. Install poetry if you haven't already.

  2. Clone repository:

    $ git clone
  3. Move into the newly created local repository:

    $ cd rushmore-tools
  4. Create virtual environment and install dependencies:

    $ poetry install

Code requirements

All code must pass black and isort style checks to be merged. It is recommended to install pre-commit hooks to ensure this locally before commiting code:

$ poetry run pre-commit install

Each public method, class and module should have docstrings. Docstrings are written in the Google style.