
A library to calculate, match, and return details about S3 Object ETags.

AWS, S3, ETag, MD5, match, chunk, multi-part, upload
pip install s3id==1.0.1



example workflow

S3 Object ETags are calculated with various heuristics and across various formats. If an S3 object is downloaded and subsequently uploaded to a new path, its ETag value is not guaranteed to remain consistent unless it's upload strategy remains consistent.

S3ID is a simple library that calculates an ETag from a local file over a series of common S3 partition sizes to determine if a match exists with a corresponding S3 object ETag.

If a match is found, infomation about how to properly upload this equivalent local file to an alternate S3 location is returned to maintain consistent ETag values.


The following examples demonstrate that a corresponding ETag match, from data at a local file path (2nd parameter), was found with the remote S3 object Etag provided (1st parameter).

Each match displays various information about how that S3 object was previously uploaded.

Single-Part Match

>>> from s3id import S3ID
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> S3ID.unpack("f1c9645dbc14efddc7d8a322685f26eb", Path("/tmp/test_10mb.txt"))
	'match': True, 
	'signature': '"f1c9645dbc14efddc7d8a322685f26eb"',
	'upload_strategy': 'single_part'

The corresponding remote S3 object was uploaded as a single object.

Multi-Part Match

>>> from s3id import S3ID
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> S3ID.unpack("669fdad9e309b552f1e9cf7b489c1f73-2", Path("/tmp/test_10mb.txt"))
	'match': True, 
	'signature': '"669fdad9e309b552f1e9cf7b489c1f73-2"',
	'partition_in_bytes': 8388608,
	'upload_strategy': 'multi_part'

The corresponding remote S3 object was uploaded as a multi-part object with a 2 partitions of size: 8388608 bytes (8MB).


>>> from s3id import S3ID
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> S3ID.unpack("669fdad9e309b552f1e9cf7b489c1f73-3", Path("/tmp/test_10mb.txt"))
	'match': False

A corresponding ETag was not found with the local file path presented.



  • Type: str
  • Required: True
  • Description: An ETag string for an S3 Object in various formats:
    • Single-part ETag (without a hyphen)
    • Multi-part ETag (with a hypen) which represents a composite ETag calculations of N chunks in the format (<hash>-<number_of_chunks>)


  • Type: Path
  • Required: True
  • Description: A pathlib.Path object of a local file (i.e. Path(<path/to/local/file>)) to compare against the previous etag parameters


  • Type: str
  • Required: False
  • Default: default
  • Description: One of the following STRATEGY constant values:
    • DEFAULT: Depending on the threshold passed, dynamically determine either SINGLE_PART or MULTI_PART
    • SINGLE_PART: Always calculate a single-part ETag in the format: <hash>
    • MULTI_PART: Always calculate a multi-part Etag in the format: <hash>-<number_of_chunks>


  • Type: int
  • Required: False
  • Default: 5242880 (5MB)
  • Description: When choosing the DEFAULT strategy, this value determines when to create a SINGLE_PART ETag or MULTI_PART composite ETag.


  • Type: Set[int]
  • Required: False
  • Default: {5242880,8388608,15728640,16777216} #5MB, 8MB, 15MB, 16MB
  • Description: A list of chunk_sizes (as number of bytes) to iterate against (i.e. {1*1024*1024, 2*1024*1024, ...}). For each value provided, an ETag will be calculated against path and checked against parameter etag.

Return Value:

  • Type: Dict[str, Union[int, str]]