S3 compatibility tests with pytest
This is a set of unofficial Amazon AWS S3 compatibility tests, that can be useful to people implementing software that exposes an S3-like API. The tests use the Boto3 libraries.
The tests use the pytest test framework. To get started, ensure you have the software installed:
pip install -r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple
You will need to create a configuration file with the location of the
service and two different credentials. A sample configuration file named
has been provided in this repo.
Once you have that file copied and renamed(s3tests.conf)
and edited(host, port, ssh_user, ssh_passwd, ssh_port
you can create users:
cd s3tests-pytest python bootstrap.py
Then you can run the tests with:
cd s3tests-pytest/s3tests_pytest pytest or pytest --s3cfg s3tests.conf-path
You can specify which test to run:
pytest -k EXPRESSION e.g. : pytest -k test_bucket_list_empty pytest -k 'not test_bucket_list_empty'
Some tests have attributes set based on their current reliability and things like AWS not enforcing their spec strictly. You can filter tests based on their attributes:
pytest -m "ess and not lifecycle_need_speedup" -n 50 --reruns 3
Reports in the report directory:
s3-tests-ehualu |___ s3tests_pytest |___ report # <--- here. |___ tests
Open it via chrome or firefox.