
An unofficial library to run SAP logged into the selected ambient with the credentials provided, facilitating Scripting.

pip install sapmanager==1.2.3


Welcome to Sap Manager!

A library that facilitates the creation of a session in SAP, through the credentials provided and information from the environment, promoting the ease of logging in and working with SAP's native Scripting.


A Class who starts SAP logged into the selected system with the credentials provided, facilitating Scripting.


Attribute Type
system str
mandt str
user str
password str
path str or None
  • system: the system (by SID) you will use.

  • mandt: the mandt you will use in the system.

  • user: the user of the account you will use to login.

  • password: the password of the account you will use to login.

  • path: the path to saplogon.exe, If None the path used in the default SAP installation will be used.

  • language: the language that will be used in SAP, by default is "EN".

  • timeout: the timeout max value that will be used in SAP to connect into system, default is 10.


from sapmanager import Sap

session = Sap("PRD", "500", "Renks", "password")

After success, it will be possible to use the SAP scripting with your account already logged in the selected system.


Returns an object of type win32com.client.CDispatch ready to use an SAP session, by convention the variable is named "session".