Satip provides the functionality necessary for

pip install satip==2.12.17




This repository contains the code necessary for retrieving, transforming and storing EUMETSAT data


  • Entire EUMETSAT SEVIRI RSS archive available as one big Zarr array (tens of TBytes) in Google Public Datasets bucket, spatially reprojected, and saved in a very space-efficient way.
  • Automatic job to update archive on GCP from EUMETSAT's new API once a day.
  • Documentation. Possibly user-editable. (source on GitHub, maybe?)
  • A few example Jupyter Notebooks showing how to load the data, train simple ML model, and compute metrics.

To Do:

  • Test transform options
  • Move the metadata db to a GCP oriented process


  • Should we also be downloading images taken at night?
  • What metadata is relevant and should be stored for each EUMETSAT dataset?
  • What was the conclusion of comparing EUMETSAT file formats?


Name Directory Number Description Maintainer
Repository Helpers development 00 Code for keeping the repository tidy Ayrton Bourn
EUMETSAT API Wrapper development 01 Development of the API wrapper for ems Ayrton Bourn
Data Transformation development 02 Intial EDA and transformation comparisons Ayrton Bourn
EUMETSAT Download usage_examples 00 Guidance for using the ems download manager Ayrton Bourn


  • Should streamline this and also create a batch script - need mac equivalents
git clone
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate sat_image_processing

We'll also install Jupyter lab interactive plotting for matplotlib

See the jupyter-matplotlib docs for more info. The short version is to run these commands from within the sat_image_processing env:

jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
jupyter labextension install jupyter-matplotlib

Publishing to PyPi

To publish the satip module to PyPi simply run the following from the batch_scripts directory

pypi_publish <anaconda_dir>

Where <anaconda_dir> is the path to your anaconda directory - e.g. C:\Users\User\anaconda3

When prompted you should enter your PyPi username and password

After this you will be able to install the latest version of satip using pip install satip