This is sbeaver - a lightweight and extremely simple http server for creating APIs.
To install sbeaver on your system, you can use the pip install sbeaver
command, or you can download this repository and run python install
import sbeaver
server = sbeaver.Server(address="localhost", port=8000, sync=True)
this code will import and make the basic configuration of the sbeaver server in your project
To start, you need to call server.start()
Decorators are used to bind paths on the server to internal methods.
sbind is used to bind static paths (e.g. home page)
def index(request):
return 200, {'status':'ok'}
You can also bind a regular expression using bind
def regex(request, param1 = None, param2 = None):
return 200, {'first':param1, 'second':param2}
Or if you can't work with the regex, you can use easy bind(ebind
def method(request, submethod = None, method = None):
return 200, {'section':submethod, 'method':method}
You can also interact with the user's request. For example, this code will return all known information about a particular request
def info(request):
request.parse_all() # get and save data, url params, ip from request
return 200, {'info':request.dict}
If the function required for the path is not found during request processing, the code404 function is called. It can be assigned by code
def page_not_found(request):
return {'error404': f"path {request.path} not found"}
Also done with 500 code. When an exception occurs during the processing of a user request, an error will be displayed and the code function will be called
def internal_server_error(request):
return {'error500': f"Exception happened"}
You can redirect user to another page using method redirect
@server.sbind('/') # static bind
def args(request):
return sbeaver.redirect(307,'/info') # redirect with data(307 code)
You can return files using method file
def photo(request):
return sbeaver.open_file('beaver.png', sbeaver.Types.Image.png)