
A set of command-line utilities that facilitate data processing at the Single Cell Biology Lab at the Jackson Laboratory.

pip install scbl-utils==1.0.8



A set of command-line utilities that facilitates data processing in the Single Cell Biology Lab at the Jackson Laboratory.

Top-level Usage

scbl-utils [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Example Usage

scbl-utils samplesheet-from-gdrive /path/to/fastq_dir /path/to/another/fastq_dir /path/to/a_dir/of/fastq_dirs/*

Top-level Options

  • --config-dir, -c: Configuration directory containing files necessary for script to run. (default: /sc/service/etc/.config/scbl-utils)


  • samplesheet-from-gdrive

    Pull data from Google Drive and generate a yml samplesheet to be used as input for the nf-tenx pipeline.

    scbl-utils samplesheet-from-gdrive [OPTIONS] FASTQDIRS
    • --outsheet, -o: File path to save the resulting samplesheet. [default: samplesheet.yml]
    • --reference-path-as-str, -s: If possible, write the reference_path field of the outputted samplesheet as a string rather than a list of strings. This enables compatability with the current nf-tenx pipeline and wll be deprecated in the future as the pipeline is updated.

    For the script to work, the config-dir (as defined here) must contain a directory called google-drive. In {config-dir}/google-drive, 3 files must exist:

    • trackingsheet-spec.yml: a specification that instructs the script on how to read data from the Google Sheet being used as the "sample tracking sheet". The specification must contain the following keys:
      • id: the Google Spreadsheet ID, found in`spreadsheet_id`/

      • sheets: a mapping of the ID of each worksheet ( within the spreadsheet to another mapping of information about that sheet. The keys of this dict must contain:

        • columns: yet another mapping, this time mapping the column names in the sheet to how they should be renamed in the script. The union of all of the values of these mappings should minimally be {10x_platform, sample_name, is_nuclei, libraries, project, species, n_cells, slide, area, tag_id}, and libraries must exist in the sheets where join == true to join the sheets.
        • header_row: The index of the header row (0-based), which contains the column names
        • join: a bool indicating whether to join this sheet (along the columns) to the other sheets in the spreadsheet. Useful for spreadsheets with multiple sheets, but not every sheet shares the same index, meaning they are not necessarily joinable
      • platform_to_lib_type: another mapping, this time mapping the name of a 10X platform to the library type

        Example trackingsheet-spec.yml:

        id: <spreadsheet_id>
                    10X Platform: 10x_platform
                    Customer ID: sample_name
                    Is Nuclei: is_nuclei
                    Sample Name (SCBID): libraries
                    SCBL Project: project
                    Species: species
                    Targeted Cell Recovery: n_cells
                header_row: 2
                join: true
                    Sample Name (SCBID): libraries
                    Serial Number GEX Slide: slide
                header_row: 2
                join: true
                    Sample Name (SCBID): libraries
                    Position on Slide: area
                header_row: 2
                join: true
                    Customer ID: sub_sample_name
                    Pool ID: sample_name
                    SCID: libraries
                    Tag ID: tag_id
                    Tissue/Cell Type: description
                header_row: 0
                join: false
            3' RNA: Gene Expression
            3' RNA-HT: Gene Expression  
            5' RNA: Gene Expression
            5' RNA-HT: Gene Expression
            5' VDJ: Immune Profiling
            ATAC: Chromatin Accessibility
            ATAC v2: Chromatin Accessibility
            Automated RNA: Gene Expression
            Cell Surface: Antibody Capture
            CellPlex: Multiplexing Capture
            Flex: Gene Expression
            HTO: Multiplexing Capture
            LMO: Multiplexing Capture
            Multiome ATAC: Chromatin Accessibility
            Multiome RNA: Gene Expression
            RNA: Gene Expression
            RNA-HT: Gene Expression
            Visium CytAssist FFPE: CytAssist Gene Expression
            Visium FF: Spatial Gene Expression
            Visium FFPE: Spatial Gene Expression
    • metricssheet-spec.yml: a specification that instructs the script on how to read metrics sheets from Google Drive. This is useful for automated assignment of processing tool, tool version, and reference genome, as the script looks for old metrics spreadsheets within the same "SCBL Project" to assign these values when possible. The necessary keys are similar to trackingsheet-spec.yml:
      • dir_id: the ID of the Google Drive folder where delivered metrics are stored. Found in`folderID`

      • header_row: the header row of the metrics sheets. This assumes that all sheets within all spreadsheets in the metrics delivery folder have the same header row

      • columns: just like trackingsheet-spec.yml, this is a mapping of the column names as they appear in the spreadsheets to how they should be named in the script. The union of these columns should minimally be {project, tool, tool_version, reference, libraries}. Because different metrics sheets have the libraries column as a different name, it may be necessary to add key-value pairs to this if the script throws a pandas error along the lines of KeyError: '{key}'. Because the script uses this mapping to determine what columns in the spreadsheet should go into a pandas.DataFrame, it will throw an error if it hasn't been informed that a certain column in the spreadsheet is really the project column, for example.

        Example metricssheet-spec.yml

        dir_id: <dir_id>
        header_row: 0
            SCBL Project: project
            Processing Tool: tool
            Processing Tool Version: tool_version
            Processing Reference: reference
            Library ID(s): libraries
            Sample ID: libraries
    • service-account.json: A json file that stores credentials for a service account associated with a Google Cloud Project. This shouldn't be an issue, but if the script is throwing Google Drive login errors, this file might need to be regenerated and put in {config-dir}/google-drive. See the gspread documentation for instructions.

    Adding New Tool Versions

    Because scbl-utils samplesheet-from-gdrive is designed to be used in conjunction with the nf-tenx pipeline, it queries the container collection the pipeline pulls from to know what versions of tools are available. If you have the required permissions, you can simply add a new definition file to the registry, ensuring that the file name you add follows the convention of the other definition files. Note that you won't be able to access the registry if you're not connected to JAX WiFi.