

pip install scprivacy==1.2


scPrivacy: Privacy-preserving integration of multiple institutional data for single-cell type identification


scPrivacy presents a generalized automatically single-cell type identification prototype to facilitate single cell annotations in a data privacy-perserving collaboration manner, by integrating multiple references data distributed in different institutions using an federated learning based deep metric learning framework. The basic idea of scPrivacy is to make each institution train their models locally and aggregate encrypted models parameters for all institutions by avoiding putting raw data of all institutions together directly. We evaluated scPrivacy on 27 publicly available benchmark datasets for single cell type identification to stimulate the scenario that the reference datasets are rapidly generated and accumulated from multiple institutions, while they are prohibited to be integrated directly or exposed to each other due to the data privacy regulations, and demonstrated its effectiveness and time efficiency.


scPrivacy comprises two main steps: model learning and cell assignment.

  • (1) In the model learning process, scPrivacy trains a federated deep metric learning model on multiple institutional datasets in a data privacy-preserving manner. The institutions train the models on the basis of the data of local datasets. The trained model parameters are then encrypted and transmitted to the server. The server updates the federated model via aggregating model parameters. Finally, the institutions download the updated federated model. The process will repeat many times.
  • (2) In the cell assignment process of scPrivacy, the federated model is utilized to transform the query cells. Then, the transformed query cells are compared against cell type landmarks of transformed institutions datasets, and the predicted cell type with the highest similarity among all cell type landmarks is obtained.


Environment: Python>=3.6

  • (1) Clone the repository
git clone  
  • (2) Install the dependencies
pip install scPrivacy
  • (3) Create folder

    Linux or Mac:

    cd scPrivacy


    cd scPrivacy


Format of input data

A routine normalization and quality control should be performed. For example, there are three commonly used cell quality criteria, namely, the number of genes detected (default >500), the number of unique molecular identifiers induced (default >1500), and the percentage of mitochondrial genes detected (default <10% among all genes). Then, datasets should be normalized, i.e., scaling to 10,000 and then with log(counts+1). The format of training data should be a csv or tab-delimited txt or h5ad(scanpy) format where the columns correspond to genes and the rows correspond to cells. The column of cell types should be the last column and named as "cell_label". In a word, the format of training data is a transposed normalized dataset with a cell type column in the right. A sample file looks something like:

tspan6 dpm1 cell_label
pbmc1_SM2_Cell_133 0.745639 0.0 CD4+_T_cell
pbmc1_SM2_Cell_142 0.0 0.778851 B_Cell

The format of test data is the format of training data without the column of "cell_label". We also provide a script to handle the cell quality control and normalization of origin counts matrix dataset. The processed file will end up with "_treated.h5" in its name and can read through pandas package's read_hdf function. After processing by the script, you just need to add the cell type column in the right of the processed matrix. The origin counts matrix dataset should be a csv or tab-delimited txt or h5ad(scanpy) format where the columns correspond to cells and the rows correspond to genes looks like:

pbmc1_SM2_Cell_133 pbmc1_SM2_Cell_142
tspan6 4 0
dpm1 0 9

The script can be run by calling the following command. The filename is file name of the origin counts matrix dataset.

python -f filename

How scPrivacy works

  • Example datasets: The example data is in You can download whole train_set and test_set folder. Once downloaded, you need to unzip the and and then use the unzipped train_set folder and test_set folder to replace the origin train_set folder and test_set folder. The demo example can be run by calling the following command.
  • Cell type identification with model trained by your datasets: You just need to put reference datasets files in the train_set folder, put the query datasets files in the test_set folder and run the following command.
  • Cell type identification with trained models: You can also use your own model. You just need to put the query dataset file in the test_set folder and run the following command.
    python -m new_model
  • Check the results: For all the above tests, the type identification results can be found in the result.txt after running. The content of the result.txt consists of two columns. The first column represents cell barcodes and the second column represents predicted cell class information. It looks like:
    pbmc1_SM2_Cell_133    CD4+_T_cell
    pbmc1_SM2_Cell_142    B_Cell
