
An open-source Python toolkit offering a collection of efficient, easy-to-use functions for seismic data analysis.

seismology, earthquake, geophysics, data-analysis
pip install seismutils==0.0.1



SEISMUTILS: Streamlined seismic exploration and analysis

An open-source Python toolkit tailored for seismology professionals seeking to enhance their productivity and streamline their workflows.

Designed with a focus on simplicity and efficiency, it offers an intuitive suite of tools for seamless manipulation, visualization, and analysis of seismic data minimizing the complexity often associated with data processing.


For a comprehensive guide on how to install, configure, and use this module, please refer to the official documentation. The documentation provides detailed instructions on setting up the module, as well as examples and best practices to help you get the most out of your experience.

Should you have any questions or encounter any issues while using the module, please consult the FAQ and troubleshooting sections of the documentation. For further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me!


Contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated. Every bit of help counts, from bug reports, feature requests, to code and documentation improvements.