semvermamager implements a restricted subset of the SEMVER standard

pip install semvermanager==1.0.1



semvermamager exports a single class Version which implements a restricted subset of the SEMVER standard.

Version defines a Semantic version using the following field structure:

    int MAJOR  # 0->N
    int MINOR  # 0->N
    int PATCH  # 0-N
    str TAG    # one of "alpha", "beta". 
    int TAG_VERSION # a version number appended to alpha or beta. 

Versions may be bumped by a single increment using any of the bump functions. Bumping a PATCH value simply increments it. Bumping a MINOR value zeros the PATCH value and bumping a MAJOR zeros the MINOR and the PATCH value.

semvermanager only supports Python 3.6 and greater.

semvermgr script

The package includes a command line script for generating versions.

$ semvermgr -h
usage: [-h] [--version VERSION] [--make]
                    [--bump {major,minor,patch,tag,tag_version}]
                    [--getversion] [--bareversion] [--overwrite] [--update]
                    [--label LABEL] [--separator SEPARATOR]
                    [filenames [filenames ...]]

positional arguments:
  filenames             Files to use as version file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version VERSION     Specify a version in the form major.minor.patch-tag
  --make                Make a new version file
  --bump {major,minor,patch,tag,tag_version}
                        Bump a version field
  --getversion          Report the current version in the specified file
  --bareversion         Return the unquoted version strin with VERSION=
  --overwrite           overwrite files without checking [default: False]
  --update              Update multiple version strings in file
  --label LABEL         field used to determine which line is the version line
                        [default: VERSION]
  --separator SEPARATOR
                        Character used to separate the version label from the
                        version [default: =]


    $  pip3 install semvermanager


Full docs are on

Source code

Can be found on

Author: jdrumgoole on GitHub