Python-based smart contract language and interpreter.

dapp, smart-contracts, blockchain, distributed
pip install seneca==0.4.132


Contracting - Smart Contracts with Python

With Contracting you can write smart contracts in a subset of Python. You can then deploy these contracts to the Lamden Blockchain Cilantro.

Contracting is simply a Python package. Because of this you can use existing Python tooling and the Contracting API to develop smart contracts with ease. That is unlike Solidity, which requires external services like Truffle or TestRPC.

Below is an example of a simple token smart contract in Python. With it you can transfer tokens and check token balances.

def token_contract():
     balances = Hash()
     owner = Variable()
     def seed():

     def balance_of(wallet_id):
         return balances[wallet_id]

     def transfer(to, amount):
         balances[ctx.caller] -= amount
         balances[to] += amount
         sender_balance = balances[ctx.caller]

         assert sender_balance >= 0, "Sender balance must be non-negative!!!"

     def mint(to, amount):
         assert ctx.caller == owner.get(), 'Only the original contract author can mint!'
         balances[to] += amount


Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
apt install python3-pip

Install RocksDB & Dependencies

sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblz4-dev libzstd-dev librocksdb-dev

Install Contracting

pip3 install contracting

Start Rocks Server

rocks serve &


Install RocksDB

brew install rocksdb

If Homebrew is not installed, install it first:

Install Contracting

pip3 install contracting

Start Rocks Server

rocks serve &

Using Contracting in a Development Environment

With Contracting now installed, you can develop smart contracts without an instance of the blockchain. This is to improve the speed of development. Here is how you would go about testing a token contract in a Jupyter notebook / IPython console:

In [1]: from contracting.client import ContractingClient

In [2]: def token_contract():
   ...:     balances = Hash()
   ...:     owner = Variable()
   ...:     @construct
   ...:     def seed():
   ...:         owner.set(ctx.caller)
   ...:     @export
   ...:     def balance_of(wallet_id):
   ...:         return balances[wallet_id]
   ...:     @export
   ...:     def transfer(to, amount):
   ...:         balances[ctx.caller] -= amount
   ...:         balances[to] += amount
   ...:         sender_balance = balances[ctx.caller]
   ...:         assert sender_balance >= 0, "Sender balance must be non-negative!!!"
   ...:     @export
   ...:     def mint(to, amount):
   ...:         assert ctx.caller == owner.get(), 'Only the original contract author can mint!'
   ...:         balances[to] += amount

In [3]: client = ContractingClient(signer='stu')

In [4]: client.submit(token_contract, name='token')

In [5]: token = client.get_contract('token')

In [6]:'stu', amount=100000)

In [7]: token.balance_of(wallet_id='stu')
Out[7]: 100000

Get started with Contracting by Example

  1. A very simple Counter contract
  2. Ingredients of a Smart Contract
  3. Interacting with the Client
  4. Standard Library and Extending Contracting
  5. Imports and Advanced Data Storage


pip install contracting is not installing on my computer!

If you're using a Mac, you can run into the problem that the C libraries required for Contracting are not getting compiled and the package fails to install.

To fix this:

  1. Upgrade XCode
  2. Upgrade all software and restart your computer
  3. Run xcode-select --install.
  4. Run pip install contracting again.
  5. Run open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg if this does not work.
  6. Install the package and run pip install contracting again. It should work now.