
Multipurpose sensorhandler, read the value from source & do somethings (send, save, trigger, ...) with it, as configed.

testing, logging, example
pip install sensorhandler==0.1.3



Multipurpose sensorhandler, read the value from source & do somethings (send, save, trigger, ...) with it, as configed.


pip install sensorhandler


config.toml file on the current working directory. The contents of File is as follows:

  name   = "dht22"
  errorhandler = "errorhandler"
    name = "temp"
    handlers = [
      "send"#import os, "save"
    name = "humidity"
    handlers = [
      "send"#, "save"
    name = "humiditydeficit"
    handlers = [
      "send"#, "save"

  name   = "mh-z19"
    name = "co2"
    handlers = [
      "send", "save"

The array of table sources is the array of data source sensor definition, consist of followings:

  • name: Sensor handler's name. The same name python file (with ".py" extention) will be dinamically imported and function read() on the imported module will be called. The return value of read() is expecte as a dictionally as key of value name and value like: {'humiditydeficit': '15.9', 'temp': 26.8, 'humidity': 37.6}

  • values: handler difitition for each value, corresponding to the key of the dictionally of the return value of read() function.

    • name: value name

    • handlers: Value handler's name. The same name python file (with ".py" extention) will be dinamically imported and function handle(data_source_name, data_name, value): will be called with the Sensor handler's name, value name, and sensor value.

  • errorhandler: Error handler's name. The same name python file (with ".py" extention) will be dinamically imported for error handling of Sensor value reading. Currently, just stab.

How to use

as python program.

python -m sensorhandler [--config config_file_path] [--imppath python_module_import_path] [ --list_imppath list_of_python_module_import_path]

In case no --config, "config.toml" on the running path is used. The path specified by --imppath and --list_imppath is used ad additional Python import library path.

as python library.

import sensorhandler

print (


Any questions, suggestions, reports are welcome! Please make issue without hesitation!


  • 0.1.1 2018.09.28 first version confirmed Raspberry Pi model B2+
  • 0.1.2 2018.09.29 add config_file_path
  • 0.1.3 2018.09.29 add --config, --imppath, --list_imppath