
Python asyncio based SDK for using Piksel Palette services

piksel, sequoia, client, sdk, asyncio
pip install sequoia-client-sdk-async==0.2.0


Piksel Palette

Sequoia Client SDK Async

Python asyncio based SDK for interacting with Piksel Palette services, providing a high level interface to ease the development of different pieces on top of this ecosystem.

Among other characteristics it provides the following:

  • Async requests based on asyncio engine providing a high throughput.
  • Lazy loading to avoid use and discover not needed elements.
  • Authentication flow integrated and transparent.
  • Discovery for Sequoia services, API resources and methods.
  • Pagination automatically handled using continue-based pagination. It's completely transparent to client users.
  • Schema validation, including serialization from Sequoia API types into Python's native types and the opposite.
  • Syntactic sugar to allow its usage be pythonic.



$ pip install sequoia-client-sdk-async


The client understand three kind of elements:

  • Service: Sequoia service against to the request will be performed.
  • Resource: An specific resource of previous service.
  • Method: Operation that will be performed (create, retrieve, update, delete, list).

The syntax to interact with the client is the following for an specific resource (create, retrieve, update, delete):

await client.service.resource.method(params={}, headers={})

And the next one for interacting with collections (list):

async for item in client.service.resource.method(params={}, headers={}):
    ...  # Do something


Here is a list of some client usage examples.

Iterate over a list of metadata offers filtered by availabilityStartAt

import sequoia

async with sequoia.Client(client_id="foo", client_secret="bar", registry_url="") as client:
    async for offer in client.metadata.offers.list(params={"withAvailabilityStartAt": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"}):
        ...  # Do fancy things with this offer

Create a metadata offer

import sequoia

async with sequoia.Client(client_id="foo", client_secret="bar", registry_url="") as client:
    await client.metadata.offers.create(json={"foo": "bar"})

Retrieve a metadata offer

import sequoia

async with sequoia.Client(client_id="foo", client_secret="bar", registry_url="") as client:
    offer = await client.metadata.offers.retrieve(pk="foo")

Update a metadata offer

import sequoia

async with sequoia.Client(client_id="foo", client_secret="bar", registry_url="") as client:
    await client.metadata.offers.update(pk="foo", json={"foo": "bar"})

Delete a metadata offer

import sequoia

async with sequoia.Client(client_id="foo", client_secret="bar", registry_url="") as client:
    await client.metadata.offers.delete(pk="foo")