
setuptools plugin to configure the dependency among commands

pip install setuptools-cmd-deps==1.0.0



Continuous Integration pypi

Configure setuptools command dependencies easily.

Why I need this plugin

Once a custom setuptools command is defined and needs to be run before some build-in command, traditionally, there's no simple way and the solution is to override the build-in command, to call the new custom command before the command implemented in the super class.

In this way, having an additional class and digging into setuptools, are just to configure the command order or dependency.

This could be simplified by using setuptools-cmd-deps: enable the plugin and add custom configuration.

Command dependency in the project

If your command is just for the project and it won't be reused, you could use new setup keyword cmd_deps to define the dependencies.

Enable setuptools-cmd-deps

  • If your will run only after all depending packages are installed, add setuptools-cmd-deps in your dependency list, such as requirements.txt, or Pipfile.

  • If your supports running out of venv, you may not want these packages to be installed in the system. Then add setuptools-cmd-deps in the setup_requires option of your setuptools.

Define dependency

    cmdclass={'generate_py': GenereatePy},
    cmd_deps={'build_py': ['generate_py']},

Command dependency to be shared

If you are developing a setuptools plugin, and want the command definition to be used by other project and run before some command, specify the dependency in the setuptools.cmd_deps section in your entry_points.

Enable setuptools-cmd-deps for the target

Add setuptools-cmd-deps in the install_requires option of your setuptools, so that any project uses your package, will automatically uses setuptools-cmd-deps.

Define dependency

Generally speaking, you already have distutils.commands in your entry_points.

For example, you defined gernate_py command in the entry_points as follows,

distutils.commands =
    generate_py = command:GeneratePy

and want it always run before build_py. Simply add setuptools.cmd_deps in the entry_points as follows,

setuptools.cmd_deps =
    build_py_dep = build_py:generate_py

Note that the name build_py_dep is not used here. It is just for the TOML syntax. For the same reason, if there are multiple dependencies for one command, it should use dot . as delimiter,

setuptools.cmd_deps =
    command_dep = command:cmd1.cmd2

Both cmd1 and cmd2 will be run before command.

Or you can have multiple rules,

setuptools.cmd_deps =
    command_dep1 = command:cmd1
    command_dep2 = command:cmd2