
Slow Fault Tree Analyser (SFTA)

fault, tree, minimal, cutsets, fault-tree, minimal-cutsets
pip install sfta==0.8.0


Slow Fault Tree Analyser (SFTA)

A slow (also shitty) fault tree analyser inspired by the idea presented in:


SFTA reads a textual representation of a fault tree. For example:

- time_unit: yr

Gate: FB
- label: Conway causeth floor to be buttered
- type: OR
- inputs: BF, TFBSD

Event: BF
- label: Conway knocketh butter onto floor
- rate: 0.1

- label: Conway knocketh toast onto floor butter side down
- type: AND
- inputs: TF, TB, BSD

Event: TF
- label: Conway knocketh toast onto floor
- rate: 0.2

Event: TB
- label: Falling toast is buttered
- probability: 0.75

Event: BSD
- label: Buttered toast landeth butter side down
- probability: 0.9

This allows for sensible diffing between two versions of a fault tree.


Output consists of:

  • an events summary,
  • a gates summary,
  • cut set listings, and
  • SVGs for all top gates and paged gates.

For the example above, we get the following SVG for the top gate FB:

Nice looking SVG showing the example fault tree.


  • Only supports coherent fault trees, which have only AND gates and OR gates.

  • The probability or rate for a gate is approximated by simply summing the contributions from each minimal cut set (rare event approximation). The higher-order terms (subtraction of pairwise intersections, addition of triplet-wise intersections, etc.) have been neglected. This is conservative, as the first-order sum is an upper bound for the actual probability or rate.


$ pip3 install sfta

Usage (command line)

$ sfta [-h] [-v] ft.txt

Perform a slow fault tree analysis.

positional arguments:
  ft.txt         name of fault tree text file; output is written unto the
                 directory `{ft.txt}.out/`

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --version  show program's version number and exit

Usage (scripting example)

import textwrap

from sfta.core import FaultTree, Gate

fault_tree = FaultTree('''
Event: A
- rate: 0.9

Event: B
- probability: 0.7

Event: C
- rate: 1e-4

Gate: AB
- label: This be an AND gate.
- type: AND
- inputs: A, B

Gate: AB_C
- label: This be an OR gate.
- type: OR
- inputs: AB, C

# 0.63

# 0.6301

# ['AB', 'C']

fault_tree.gate_from_id['AB_C'].type_ == Gate.TYPE_OR
# True


Copyright 2022–2024 Conway
Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0-only).
This is free software with NO WARRANTY etc. etc., see LICENSE.