
Quickly different combinations of prices and spare money

shopping, calculator, cost, saving, money, shopping_list, cli, awesome, pipenv, python, tool, useful
pip install shoppinglist==1.0.4


Shopping List - Do More, Pay Less

Travis PyPI

shopping_list is a simple tool to calculate the cost breakdown and total of a shopping list containing items in multiple categories.

It allows to create different variation of prices, to compare the influence in the total cost.
See the corresponding section Pro Tip - Price combinations

shopping_list in action

The project was originally created to estimate the total cost of devices in a Home-Automation project and see the influence of different purchase decisions.


  • A list of prices
  • A shopping list of items per category (per room in the example)

It generates an output breaking down the costs.

> shoppinglist shopping_list.yaml prices.yaml 

Total cost breakdown

Living Room: 77.5 €
Kitchen: 45 €
Extra: 15 €

Total: 137.5 €

With shopping_list.yaml

  - InWallSwitch
  - InWallSwitch
  - PaddleSwitch
  - MotionSensor

  - BulbBasic
  - BulbAmbiance

  - Shipping

And prices.yaml

InWallSwitch: 26
PaddleSwitch: 15

MotionSensor: 10.5

BulbBasic: 15
BulbAmbiance: 30

Shipping: 15

Demo versions of these files can be find under demo/

cd demo
shoppinglist shopping_list.yaml prices.yaml



pip3 install shoppinglist
# Or
pip3 install --user shoppinglist

Warning: Use python 3!



  --with-count         Display the count for each item
  --without-breakdown  Hide the cost breakdown for each category
  --help               Show this message and exit.


  • The shopping list
  • shopping_list.yaml in the previous examples
  • The base prices
  • prices.yaml in the previous examples
  • Zero or multiple price overrides files
  • A price override has the same format as the PRICES_FILE file
  • PRICE_OVERRIDES_FILES define prices overridings the base prices present in PRICES_FILE
  • Kinda like mixins for the price list
  • In case of multiple overrides, only the last one is taken into account

Format for the files

prices.yaml and price_overrides_*.yaml
  • 1 item per line, with its price
  • See example
  • 1 block per category
  • Each block contains a list on items
  • Item prices must have been defined in prices.yaml
  • Duplicates allowed, they will be counted twice
  • See example

Pro Tip - Price combinations

Create different combination of prices to see quickly see the influence of your purchase decisions.

To do so, you have 2 options:

  • Define multiple base prices
  • Define a base price and override individual items

Using multiple base prices

For instance amazon.yaml
InWallSwitch: 56 <- More expensive InWallSwitch
PaddleSwitch: 7  <- Cheaper PaddleSwitch

MotionSensor: 10.5

BulbBasic: 15
BulbAmbiance: 30

Shipping: 0      <- Free shipping
Or upgrade_basic_to_ambiance.yaml
InWallSwitch: 26
PaddleSwitch: 15

MotionSensor: 10.5

BulbBasic: 30     <- Bump the price of 'basic' bulb to match
BulbAmbiance: 30     the one of the 'ambiance' variation
                     and see how it affects the Total!
Shipping: 15
# In 'demo/' folder

> shoppinglist shopping_list.yaml prices.yaml
Total: 137.5 €

> shoppinglist shopping_list.yaml amazon.yaml 
Total: 174.5 €

> shoppinglist shopping_list.yaml upgrade_basic_to_ambiance.yaml
Total: 152.5 €

Using prices overrides

With base prices.yaml
InWallSwitch: 26
PaddleSwitch: 15

MotionSensor: 10.5

BulbBasic: 15
BulbAmbiance: 30

Shipping: 15
First override free_shipping.yaml
Shipping: 0 <- Free shipping
Second override tradfri_bulb_instead_of_hue.yaml
BulbBasic: 10    <- Cheaper Bulbs
BulbAmbiance: 20 <- Cheaper Bulbs
# In 'demo/' folder

> shoppinglist shopping_list.yaml prices.yaml
Total: 137.5 €

> shoppinglist shopping_list.yaml prices.yaml free_shipping.yaml
Total: 122.5 €

> shoppinglist shopping_list.yaml prices.yaml free_shipping.yaml tradfri_bulb_instead_of_hue.yaml
Total: 107.5 €


Prerequisites: Pipenv

This project needs pipenv in order to work.

If you haven't set it up already... please do yourself a favor and read about it. That thing made my life just slightly better... but to the point where I actually notice an increase in my mood while working with python projects.
Kudos to them :)

More info on: Pipenv: Python Development Workflow for Humans

Interested in having that setup automatically for you?
Then check out my ansible role that does just that ;)
==> FlorianKempenich.python-virtualenv


git clone
cd Shopping-List
pipenv install --dev
pipenv shell


# Or

Author Information

Follow me on Twitter: @ThisIsFlorianK
Find out more about my work: Florian Kempenich - Personal Website